Page 125 of Beast

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I hated seeing her like this, but sadly, there was nothing I could do.

Though it hurt, I had to be happy with the small miracle I’d been granted because it was probably all I would get.

Then it was time to go.

Annika and I stood.

“Bye, Ma.” I leaned down to hug her.

Mom hugged me back, something shifting in her eyes. “Kirill. Your son was here earlier, the one you ran off. Remember him? That sweet boy, Adrik? He’s such a good boy, bringing his girl to meet me. He looked really good, too. So handsome. I wish you hadn’t run him off. I’ve missed that boy so much. I hope he comes back.”

I swallowed hard, my chest squeezing, and my throat clogging with emotion. Now she thought I was Papa.

She missed me.

I’ve missed you, too, Ma. So much.

My throat shriveled up, choking off any reply I might have made. I could do nothing but stare at her, waiting for whatever came next.

“He’ll come back.” Mom nodded at me. “Adrik’s a good son.” Then she turned away, looking out the window again, forgetting we were there. Somehow, I knew it would be the last interaction I would ever have with her.

I expelled a long breath, closing my eyes.Bye, Mom.

Several minutes passed while I tried to get my emotions under control.

Annika gently squeezed my hand.

I opened my eyes, turning to face her.

Quietly, we left. Annika’s support meant more to me than I could ever express.

“Where to?” I asked once we were back in the car.

She turned and met my gaze. “Are you okay?”

I blew out a breath. “Yeah. It’s just, you know, hard seeing her like that.”

“I know. But at least she recognized you today. And I can tell she really loves you.”

“Yeah. Thanks for coming with me. Just having you here means a lot to me.”

She smiled. “You’re welcome. You’re a good son, Adrik. I’m sure your mother’s very proud of you.”

I didn’t know what to say to that, so I said nothing. If Mom knew I’d joined the Bratva after I’d left, she’d be disappointed, not proud.

A small silence stretched.

Annika patted my hand where it rested on my thigh. “To answer your question, let’s go to your place. I haven’t seen your boat yet.”

“All right.” I put the car indrive, and we headed back to the marina in silence.

I still hadn’t told Annika how I felt about her. I still hadn’t kissed her properly. The phone call had interrupted our reunion.

Nervous sweat broke out on my skin as we neared our destination. I’d never told anyone I loved them before. Annika would be the first.

We reached the marina, and I parked my Camaro.

Annika turned to me. “So, how are you, Adrik? Truly? I haven’t seen you for two months and I’ve been really worried about you. Are you doing okay after…everything?”

Tags: Leslie Georgeson Romance