Page 8 of Princess Fallen

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Back in the tub, and the aromatherapy fragrance is even better this time.I add some lavender to help me relax.I don’t normally sleep at night, but traveling exhausts me.I want to float away on some alpha waves…



Victor Rogan.

Can I just have one hot bath without remembering why I’m here?

I close my eyes and slide down in the tub, letting the soothing water cover me up to my neck.Yeah, that’s it. Relax. Think happy thoughts. Nice thoughts.

A moonlit path.A star-strewn sky.

A beating heart.


So much for relaxing.A glass of Syrah only lasts for so long.

I sit up.

I jerk as someone knocks at my door.

It’s late, and I haven’t ordered anything.Who even knows I’m here?

“Just a minute!”I yell, knowing whoever it is won’t hear me this far away.Vamps have a much more acute sense of hearing than humans.

I wrap a plush white robe around my wet body and pad out of the bathroom.

Again, a knock.This time louder.

“I said I’m coming!”Without checking the peephole, I open the door.

And gasp.

Victor Rogan.

“Good evening, princess,” he says.

“Excuse me?”

“Youarethe daughter of the vampire king, aren’t you?”

Not something I advertise.“Yeah.But he’s not really a king, and I’m not called a princess.”

He strides into my room.

“Come in,” I say sarcastically.

He inhales and seems to deliberately step away from me.“What are you doing here?”

“Thought I’d play a little blackjack,” I say.“Maybe some roulette.”God, he’s so good looking.I’m very aware of my nakedness under this robe.

“Don’t get cute with me,” he says in a growl.

“I’ve never beencutein my life.”No truer words.

Tags: Helen Hardt Paranormal