Page 71 of Princess Fallen

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“He’s the demon king.Demons are simply another supernatural species.They don’t live in hell.They live on earth.”

“Is there even a hell?”I ask.

“I’ll have to let you know.”


“Heaven and hell, Dad.Tell me the truth.”

“I don’t know the truth, Hannah.No one alive does.”

This is not news to me.Still, I’ve always associated demons with hell.No one knows the truth about the afterlife, if there even is one.But why am I waxing philosophical when I’ve just been attacked by a demon?I guess an out-of-body experience will do that to a person.

“How did they get you, Hannah?”Dad asks.

“Believe it or not, they found me in Rogan’s walk-in closet.”

“What the hell kind of security does he have?”

“I think a lot of his security force is made up of demons, which may be the problem.”

Rogan shoots me afuck youlook from across the room.

Dad clears his throat.“Demons often work security.Maybe a few of his went rogue.”

“Or maybe my stepfather is an asshole.Did you consider that?”

“Of course he’s an asshole, Hannah.I’ve always known that.”

“And you let him marry my mother?”

“I didn’t have any say in it.She divorcedme.Not the other way around.”

“Oh, well pardon her for not wanting to play second fiddle to your hot stud lovers.”

“Look.If I had it my way we’d still be—”

“No, you wouldn’t.Don’t lie to me.”

I expect him to argue the point, but he doesn’t.Instead—

“Find the information about Rogan,” he says.“We’re running out of time.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that Richard is up to something.I’m concerned.For your mother’s safety.For Larissa’s.And for yours.”

“Can’t you do anything?At least make sure that Mom and Larissa are safe?”

“I’m working on it.He won’t harm your mother.I’m fairly sure of that.”

“Fairly doesn’t cut it.You need to be completely sure.Which one of you has more power?”

He doesn’t respond for a moment.Then, “It’s not a question of power, Hannah.”

“What is it then?”


Tags: Helen Hardt Paranormal