Page 104 of Princess Fallen

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He pulls back, growls, and again I’m not sure whether I’m looking at man or a wolf.My eyes see a man—a beautiful man with emerald fire in his eyes and long dark hair, naked and magnificent, his cock hard and ready.

But my heart?My soul?

They see a wolf.An animal stalking its mate with pure instinct.

“Remove your clothes, princess.”Rogan’s voice is a growl, a rasp, and not quite human.

And I obey.

I don’t want to obey, but on some level, Idowant to obey.It’s mind versus body, or mind versus soul.I’m not sure which…or it could be neither.

My body complies.My soul complies.

And within seconds, I stand naked before him, before my wolfman.

My God, he’s gorgeous, and he pulls me into his arms, kisses me again, and this time it’s even more raw, more feral, more intense.

As our lips slide together, our teeth clash, our tongues tangle, I close my eyes and allow myself to be swept away—swept away in the ether with Rogan.

With only Rogan.

Except he’s no longer Rogan, and I’m no longer Hannah.

Somehow we’ve become fused together into one consciousness.I feel him, not just his body but his thoughts.Not in words but in emotion—pure emotion.

He falls back, breaks the kiss, stares at me with his green-eyed intensity—an intensity bordering on madness.

“Hannah,” he growls.“My heart has followed where my body has led me.”

I gulp.“What do you mean?”

“You’re my mate.”

“Yes.I know.I feel it.I know there is no choice now.I understand.”

“Good.Very good.”He pauses a moment.“My heart, Hannah.You’re not just my mate.You’re my love.I love you, princess.I love you with everything in me.”

I nearly melt from his words.This is so not me.Not me at all, but I fall into his embrace, kiss his neck, his sculpted jawline, his full lips.

“I love you too, Victor.So damned much.”

He kisses me hard for a moment and then pulls back.“A mate, for wolves, isn’t always a mate of the heart.It’s of the body, of the soul.It’s a magnetic pulling between two beings—an urge, a need, a yearning.”

“Isn’t that whatloveis?”I ask.

He shakes his head.“Not for me, it isn’t.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because”—he draws in a breath—“you’re not the first woman I’ve loved.”

I jerk backward, nearly stumbling into the green grass.

No.It can’t be.

I’ve had sex.A lot of sex.But I’ve never had love.Never said the words.Never…

But Rogan?

Tags: Helen Hardt Paranormal