Page 27 of Razor's Flame

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“That’s exactly my point!” He tosses his shirt toward the bathroom. “Too fucking young for a boyfriend. And now she’s pissed at me because I told her she can’t have a boyfriend.” His eyes narrow to slits, prowling up my body. “She cried. You know I can’t fucking handle it when they cry, pretty baby.”

“What did you do?” He always caves like a house of cards when Alexis or Aria cries. He’s such a pushover. I swear to God, as soon as the girls turn on the waterworks, he gives them whatever they want. Which is exactly why we now have two horses, a cow, and three dogs.

“I told her she could have a boyfriend,” he mutters. “So now we have to move. It’s the only solution.”

I throw my head back and laugh loudly.

“I don’t know why you’re laughing. This is your fault.”

“How is this my fault?” I ask.

“You gave me two daughters.” He stalks toward the end of the bed and wraps his hand around my ankle, pulling until I’m flat on my back. Once I’m where he wants me, he crawls over me, holding his weight off me with his hands planted on either side of my head. “Two perfect daughters who look just like you. How the fuck am I supposed to keep goddamn men away from you and keep boys away from them when there’s only one of me?”

“Well,” I whisper, hooking one leg around his hip and then twining my arms around his neck. “You do have two boys to help keep an eye on the girls.” Granted, our youngest is barely two and isn’t much help in that department yet, but Axel is just as protective of his sisters as Razor. He’s going to drive them crazy when they’re older.

Razor grunts, leaning down to brush his lips across mine.

“And you can always hope this one is a boy, too,” I whisper against his lips.

He freezes, even his breath ceasing for a moment as those ocean eyes seek out mine. He shifts his weight to one arm, moving to cup my belly with the opposite hand. “You’re pregnant.”

“I peed on a stick this morning. You knocked me up again, caveman.”

“Fuck.” His eyes flutter closed, but not before I see the strong current of emotion sweep through them. Pride. Joy. Love. He’s happy. He shudders, and then he’s kissing me like he hasn’t tasted my mouth in years.

“I guess we’ll fucking stay here,” he mutters when he finally lets me up for air. “But this one better be a boy, pretty baby. I need more help around here. We have too many girls already. And this Duke and Alexis situation is unacceptable.”

“It’s not like they’re going to run away together and get married,” I remind him, running my fingers through his overly long hair. “They’re three.”

“I still don’t like it,” he grunts, making me smile.

Of course he doesn’t. He’s a caveman. But he’s our caveman, and I wouldn’t have him any other way.

“I love you.”

“Good because you’re mine.” He nips my bottom lip, his expression turning dark. “And I worship the ground you walk on, pretty baby.” He nips my bottom lip and then kisses a trail down my throat, nipping and sucking at my skin. “But you gave me daughters, and you gotta pay the price for that.”

“What’s the price?” I moan, arching toward his wicked mouth.

“Spending the next eighty years on my cock.”

“Done,” I agree without hesitation.

He presses his forehead to my chest, his body shaking with laughter. “You’re awful agreeable tonight.”

“I want orgasms.”

“Fuck yeah, you do,” he growls, pulling me closer.

I wrap myself around him, eagerly giving myself over to him. In his hands is exactly where I belong. It’s my happy place, my home. This caveman is my everything.

He always will be.

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