Page 92 of All of Me

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“How are you feeling?” Dr. Baker asks, removing Aiden’s oxygen mask.

“Got a real sore head, doc,” Aiden replies.

“Follow my finger…” The doctor shines the light into Aiden’s eyes. He moves his finger back and forth, side to side, and Aiden follows his finger perfectly. “How many fingers am I holding up?” he asks.

“Two,” Aiden answers correctly.

“Do you know what day it is?”


“Good work, Aiden. Do you remember what happened?”

“Yeah, I think so. My father was standing at the end of our bed when I woke. I got up and walked around to see what the hell he was doing...” his eyes dart around like he’s trying to figure things out in his mind, “… and that’s the last thing I remember.”

“Okay, that’s good. You were hit with a vase, and it knocked you unconscious.”

Aiden raises an eyebrow. “What happened to Father? And why are you hurt, Jeni?”

I freeze.

Shit! I don’t know what to tell him or how.

“I’ll give you some time. I will be back with you shortly,” Dr. Baker says, leaving.

“Aiden, um… your father… he… he… fell.”

He stares at me with furrowed brows. “Fell from where? Is he all right?”

I can’t help the tears that glisten in my eyes. I hold Aiden’s hand to my chest feeling so bad for him. Regardless of how he feels about his father, I know this will break his heart.

I exhale and take in a steadying breath to tell him what happened. “Aiden, he fell from the balcony.”

“But he’s okay, though. Right?”

Even with the torment his father put us through, Aiden still loves him. I exhale and sigh, trying to find the right words, but I can’t find any, so I shake my head.

Aiden looks away, his bottom lip trembles ever so slightly. Seeing him emotional is bringing tears to my eyes, but I blink them away.

“I’m sorry, Aiden. I tried to help him. So did Killian. But he was too heavy for us. I couldn’t save him. I’m so, so sorry.”

“He’s…” Aiden hesitates.

I look into his eyes and nod. “Yes.”

A single tear falls down his cheek, and I lean over to comfort him as Callie and Nana walk back into the room, holding their cups of coffee.

“Oh, honey, thank goodness you’re awake,” Callie chimes and then hesitates. “Has… has Jeni told you?”

“Yes.” His voice is full of emotion.

Nana walks to Aiden, and I move out of the way while they console each other. Feeling a little dizzy and in a lot of pain, I sit back in my seat.

The nurse enters the room again with my pain meds. She looks at me sympathetically and hands me the pills with some water. “Glad he’s awake.”

When the doctor comes back a little later, he tells Aiden he needs to stay overnight for observation, that he will be moved to a private room, and he will be fine to go home tomorrow if he continues to improve.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Aiden holds my hand while everyone talks to him. When my mom enters the room, I get up to hug her tightly. “I’m so glad you’re both all right. I’m so sorry for your… loss. Sorry, I never know what to say in these situations,” Mom admits.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance