Page 59 of All of Me

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“I won’t forget this, Jeni!” Sarah calls out.

“Just think of it as payback for putting condoms in my bag when I went on my first date with Aiden,” I call out.

Their door slams shut, and I turn to face Aiden, sliding my arms around his neck. After the trauma of the day, I think Chris and Sarah have just provided the little bit of light relief we both needed.

“Good morning, you two,” Bree says chirpily.

“Morning, Bree,” we both reply in unison.

“You guys are so in sync. It’s sickly sweet, almost barf worthy,” Bree teases.

Aiden leans over and gives me a deep passionate kiss. Bree giggles as Aiden walks to his office.

Niall steps out to talk to Brielle. “Do you have that file I asked for?”

“What file?” She raises her eyebrow.

“You know, the Stewart account files I asked you to get for me,” he berates sternly.

Bree scratches her head. “Father, you never asked me to retrieve those files. I’ll get them for you now if you like,” she says, rolling her chair back to open the filing cabinet under her desk.

“Hurry up, I don’t have all day.” He frowns, looking a little confused. “Oh, for God’s sake, Callie. Hurry up,” he yells.

“Did you just call me Callie?” Brielle asks with a smirk on her face.

“No! Now give me the goddamn file,” he yells even louder.

She puts her hands up in surrender. “Jeez, all right, don’t get your panties in a twist.” She rolls her eyes, and I fight back a laugh. Obviously, Niall’s thinking about Callie. To mention her accidentally is quite strange since he’s normally so on the ball. Grabbing the file from Bree, he walks back into his office, slamming his door shut.

Aiden walks over, and gently massages my shoulders. “Hey, baby.” He then nibbles on my ear.

“Hey, yourself.”

“I was thinking...” He squats down next to me.


“What do you think about having the wedding reception at the Intercontinental? There’s a ballroom which they can decorate, and it has some great memories attached to it. Why not add to those memories?” he asks.

“I’m more than happy with that. Will it be in the ballroom where the retirement dinner was held?”

“No, there’s another one that’s much nicer and more suitable.”

“Sounds good to me. Do you want to book it or shall I?”

He smirks at me like I’ve just told some sort of ridiculous joke. “I think I’d better book it. They know me, and it’s more likely to be available if I call.”

I make a motion to hit the side of my head and laugh. “Of course, what was I thinking? Do you remember the date?”

“September fourteenth. The day you’ll make me the happiest man alive,” he replies as he heads back to his office.

Preoccupied with all things wedding and getting to marry the love of my life, I realize I need to get organized. Taking out a notepad, I start making a list of all that needs to be done.

First priority—I need to find a suitable dress and decide where I want to say our vows.

Second priority—I need to ask Mel if she wants to be my bridesmaid. I jot down a reminder to call her after work.

Then I start compiling a list—flowers, invitations that I should probably be sending out at the end of the month, color scheme, shoes, centerpieces for the table, and the list goes on.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance