Page 56 of All of Me

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“Yeah, I’m fine. More just a bruised ego. Thanks for your help, though,” I add, trying to be nice, but not too nice that he gets the wrong idea.

“Anytime. So, ah… did you get my flowers?” he asks.

I casually glance over at Aiden who’s staring at me, but he obviously can’t get away from Mr. Anderson.

“I did, thank you. They were lovely, but not necessary. Erik, I’m engaged, and although I’m flattered by your kindness, it’s making my fiancé uncomfortable.”

“Well, I don’t see your fiancé, so he doesn’t even have to know. What do you say? Can I take you out tonight for dinner?” he asks as he sits on the edge of my desk.

What the actual fuck! Seriously?

I can’t believe he’s asking me out even though he knows I’m engaged. I shake my head as I watch Aiden walking over, his nostrils flaring and his fists clenching.


“So how about it, beautiful. You, me, a bottle of champagne. No one needs to know,” he suggests as Aiden walks up behind him.

“Aiden,” I warn sternly.

Erik peers over his shoulder as Aiden grabs Erik by the collar of his suit lifting him from the desk. “What the hell, dude?” Erik groans, trying to push Aiden off him.

“Aiden… leave it.”

He looks at me with a death glare, then pushes Erik away from him. “How dare you! You know she’s taken, and yet you still go after her? Get it through your thick imbecilic brain, she’s not interested,” Aiden sneers right in his face.

Erik scowls and pushes Aiden again.

“Stop it,” I yell, but they both ignore me.

“She wants me, and you know it,” Erik goads, getting so close to Aiden I’m sure he can smell Erik’s breath.

Aiden grabs Erik by the scruff of his neck and slams him up against the wall with a thud. “Don’t you talk about Jeni like that,” Aiden cautions.

Mr. Anderson and Niall walk over to see what the commotion is all about.

“Why do you care?” Erik asks, pushing Aiden away from him again.

“Because she’s mine, you asshole. She’s my fiancée, and I won’t let anyone take her from me again, especially not a sniveling little weasel like you.”

Erik’s eyes open wide as he looks at me, then back to Aiden.

“Aiden, stop it,” I grumble.

“Well, she must have horrible taste in men if she chose you.” He narrows his eyes on me. “C’mon, baby, come be with a real man,” Erik chimes.

Oh, for God’s sake. Really?

Aiden looks at me, and his face contorts with rage as he clenches his fists. But Erik suddenly punches Aiden in the jaw, his head snapping to the side with the force. I gasp, my hand shooting up to my mouth as Aiden grabs Erik and rams him against the wall so hard, he forces a crack in the plasterboard. I wrap my arms around myself as I watch Aiden lose his temper. My heart thrashes in my chest hoping Aiden doesn’t hurt him.

Aiden clenches his fist, and Erik exhales loudly as Aiden’s fist connects with his stomach. I gasp as tears well in my eyes when Erik throws another punch at Aiden. Mr. Anderson hurries toward the now-brawling men to try and separate them.

“Get off me, you fucking freak,” Erik yells out.

Niall pulls Aiden back while Mr. Anderson pulls Erik away.

“Aiden, get a hold of yourself, boy. You’re acting like a goddamn fool for this floozy,” Niall yells, holding Aiden from behind.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance