Page 20 of All of Me

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Aiden chuckles. “Yes, strange name, I know, but that’s what it was called when I bought it. But Jeni and I call it the Scope.”

“I think it’s a fitting name. It’s where we went on our first date and slept under the stars,” I reminisce as Aiden winks at me.

“That’s so cool. When do you want to move in, Aiden?” Sarah asks casually through a mouthful of dinner.

“Tonight? If that’s all right with you guys?”

“Yeah, dude, I need a little more testosterone in this house.” Chris puts his beer up for Aiden to clink, then they both take a sip. “Is the wedding back on, then?” Chris asks matter-of-factly.

“Yes, we haven’t decided when, but I’ve decided on who I want my best man to be.” Chris looks up, his interest piqued. “So, Chris, you interested?”

His eyes widen. “Of course! Thanks, you won’t regret it.” He stands, a giant grin beams across his face. He leans in and gives Aiden a man hug, back-slapping included for good measure. “I’m going to throw you a killer bachelor party, man.”

“Now, now, nothing too dramatic,” Sarah warns. “We want

him to still be in one piece on the day.”

“No way. It’s going to be fucking epic,” Chris chimes, high-fiving Aiden.

I take Aiden’s hand under the table, and he gently strokes my skin with his thumb.

Sarah and Chris continue to mock-argue over the bachelor and bachelorette parties, eventually agreeing to disagree. They continue to talk about our future plans and ideas for the wedding and how they can help. The buzz and energy in the room is energizing, and I can’t help but feel so freaking elated right now as Sarah suggests that our mothers do our hair and makeup, to which I quickly agree.

We continue talking over dinner, but eventually we need to leave so we head to the car.

Arriving at the parking garage, we make our way to the elevator. My heart pounds when the doors finally open, and the color drains from my face.

Aiden glances at me. “Baby, you don’t have to come up if you don’t want to.”

“I know, I’m fine.” I’m lying, of course. I’d be happy if I never stepped foot in his apartment again.

But I take a deep, steadying breath.

I can do this.

Aiden takes my hand, and we enter the elevator. My breathing becomes shallow the further the elevator travels to the apartment. It seems to take forever. The doors open, and I tighten my fingers in his.

The last time I was here was that heart-shattering day when my world ended, and we broke up. He was a mess on the floor, and I walked out feeling like I was completely broken. I gnaw on my bottom lip trying to push those thoughts from my mind.

We step out of the elevator and proceed through to the living room. He turns on the lights, and instantly, memories fill my head of Jason and the incident. My heart pounds harder and faster, and I feel like I’m going to be sick or faint. I’m not sure which one is worse. To distract myself, I walk as quickly as possible into the bedroom with Aiden following closely behind.

I make my way into the closet and start grabbing at his clothes frantically. I need to get this over with as quickly as possible.

I don’t want to be here.

Suddenly, Aiden’s arms wrap around my waist, and I sigh, instantly feeling a calmness wash over me. His chin rests on my shoulder, and I bask in his warmth, taking a deep breath. His scent surrounds me as I lean my back into his front.

God, I love this man.

Aiden kisses my cheek softly, which is enough to settle my nerves. “Thank you,” I murmur, and he kisses my cheek again, then lets me go.

“Let me help you get this done, and we can get out of here,” he offers.

With a quick nod of my head, he helps me continue to pack. We finish gathering what he needs and make our way back to the elevator.

“Before we leave, I need to stop at Mom’s.”

I smile, loving the idea of seeing Callie as he pushes the button for the second floor. Exiting, we set Aiden’s bags outside Callie’s door as he quickly knocks on the door.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance