Page 88 of Love Me

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Not long now, Jeni <3

My head snaps toward Aiden, and the tension on his face is evident as he studies the card and me.

“What’s going on? Who are these from?” Aiden asks.

I laugh at his practical joke. “Yeah, yeah… good one.”

“Jeni, I did not send you these.” The serious expression on Aiden’s face sends a chill down my spine.

“What do you mean? Of course, you did. Who else would send me flowers?” Concern floods my veins as I stare at the card again.

He stiffens his posture. “Be serious with me. Who are they from?” His eyes stay steadfastly fixed on mine.

“I honestly have no idea. What do those words even mean… not long now? Not long until what?” An uncomfortable tension runs through my body.

I don’t like this.

I don’t like this one little bit.

Aiden huffs. “I’ll find out.” He picks up the phone and dials the number from the sticker attached to the flowers. He puts the phone on speaker, so we can all hear.

“Hello. Forget Me Not Florists. How may I help you?”

“Yes, hi. We’ve just had a bunch of flowers delivered to a Jenifer Taylor at O’Connell Finance, and we’re wondering if you could tell us who they’re from?”

There’s a pause and the sound of rustling papers. “The sender has chosen to stay anonymous, I’m afraid.”

Aiden runs his fingers through his hair. “Can you tell me if it was a male or female at least?”

“It was a female, sir.”

Aiden scrunches up his face. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Have a nice day.” The call ends.

“Could it have been your mother?” I ask, thinking about who it could be.

“Maybe. But what does ‘not long now’ mean?” Aiden asks.

“I have no freaking idea.” I shrug, completely in the dark.

Aiden exhales, making his way back to his office seemingly lost in his thoughts. I move the giant bunch of flowers into the boardroom.

Trying to work through our day normally, I try not to think about the flowers and Aiden’s attitude too much. I know he’s under a lot of stress at the moment, and everything with his father has him on edge. By the end of the day, I’ve all but forgotten about the mysterious flowers.

At five, Brielle says, “It was weird without Father here today. Is it bad if I say it was good without him?”

“Yes, it’s bad, but I know what you mean.”

She packs up her stuff and walks over to my desk. “Who are the flowers really from?” she whispers.

“Honestly, I have no idea, Bree. Do you?” She smiles like she knows something. “Bree, who are they from?” I ask.

“I don’t know for sure, but I think they’re probably from Josie, the receptionist downstairs. You know… because she’s in love with Aiden. I bet she’s trying to split you two up. You saw how he reacted when you received them. He was downright jealous. I’m sure that’s what she’s counting on. But, hey, I’m probably wrong.”

My eyes widen at the thought. “Holy fuck, you’re probably right.” And then I laugh.

“Yeah, watch out for her. She’s been after Aiden for as long as I can remember.”

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance