Page 76 of Love Me

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I try to hide my smile again, but Niall sees it this time. “What are you smiling at? You’re the cause of all of this. Don’t you realize that, you little bitch?” he snaps at me, making my smile disappear as quickly as it appeared.

Mom stands in front of Niall. “That’s enough! My girl doesn’t have to put up with this bullshit from a pathetic, decrepit, control-freak like you!”

He opens his eyes wide and glares. “She does if she wants to keep her job.” A smug grin appears on his face.

Mom picks up her glass of wine, throwing it in Niall’s face. I can’t help but laugh as he jerks his head back in shock. He huffs, picking up a napkin and wiping away the red liquid. “Listen here, you’ll pay for that. Do you hear me? This is a designer suit.”

“Bring it on,” Mom goads, rubbing her hands together.

“Father, we’re here for Aiden’s birthday. Can’t you calm down?” Brielle asks softly, tugging on his arm.

“Brielle, stay out of this,” he yells, then shakes her off violently. She loses her footing which causes her to fall, hitting her head on the corner of the table. Drinks topple over and spill with the violence of the heavy strike. I gasp as Sarah rushes to Bree’s side to help her up. Brielle’s eyes slowly fill with tears as she stands, but she stumbles slightly. Blood slowly seeps out of the wound on her head, dripping down to her chin.

My hand rushes to my mouth with the shock.

“Fuck, Bree, are you all right?” Aiden gasps.

She glares at Niall angrily, and he shrugs it off like it’s nothing.

Nana grabs a napkin and holds it to Brielle’s head. “Come on, darling. I’ll take you to the hospital.” Nana wraps her arm around Brielle as Logan scowls at Niall but says nothing.

“Niall, I raised you better than this,” Nana chides harshly as they walk away.

“Are you serious, Father? Now you’re intentionally physically hurting the ones you supposedly love?” Aiden berates.

“It’s the only way I can get my point across.”

“I think it’s time you leave,” Chris suggests, taking Niall by the arm.

Niall pulls out of Chris’ grasp and pushes him hard. Chris shakes his head and clenches his jaw as he comes toward Niall, his fist clenched ready to punch him. The staff notices the commotion and begins to head over.

“Don’t you touch me, boy, or I’ll have you arrested,” Niall yells at Chris.

Sarah grabs Chris’ arm and attempts to hold him back. Chris glances at Sarah, somehow calming down. “You think you can come to my restaurant and act like a dick? Get out before I call the police,” Chris warns Niall, pointing toward the exit.

“Gladly,” he huffs.

I take hold of Aiden’s hand, and he grips on to me so tight it’s almost painful. I lean into his side to try to placate him and rest my hand on his chest. His heart thumps so hard I feel it through his clothes.

The rest of the restaurant’s patrons clap when Niall finally storms out.

“I’m so fucking sorry, Chris,” Aiden expresses.

“It’s all good, man. Don’t worry about it and definitely don’t apologize for him.”

Sarah takes Chris by the arm, and we all walk out of the restaurant, leaving our unfinished meals behind.

We arrive in the parking lot, and Niall is waiting by his chauffeured vehicle.

As we walk past, Mom can’t help herself. “You know, if you’re that unhappy with your life, do something about it. Oh, but that’s common sense, right? And you don’t have any of that, do you?”

Niall storms over and points right in Mom’s face. “Listen here… you and your trashy daughter better stay away from my family or else—”

“Or else what, Father? I swear to God, if you’re threatening Jeni and her mother, I’ll leave the business and take all the clients with me,” Aiden yells, slapping Niall’s hand away from my mother’s face.

“Don’t you threaten me, boy. Know your place,” Niall yells.

“How about you know yours. Rot in hell, you worthless pig,” Mom snaps back at him.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance