Page 7 of Love Me

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“Congratulations!” Killian yells out.

Aiden’s eyes leave mine. “Thank you.” He beams as he continues to hold me close while I cuddle into his chest. I don’t ever want him to let me go.

“Thank Jeni. She was instrumental in getting the evidence, big bro,” Killian announces.

Aiden holds me tighter, kissing me atop my head. “I honestly don’t know how to thank you.”

“You don’t need to. I would have done anything to get you back.”

His lips turn up showing me his pearly whites, the dimple in his cheek dipping in, reminding me how truly gorgeous he is.

God, I’ve missed him.

“Right, now it’s time to party,” Killian calls out excitedly.

We all chuckle as Aiden nuzzles my hair. “I love you.”

My eyes meet his. “I love you, too.”

Niall slowly strides over and pushes his hand out for Aiden to shake. I look up at Aiden to gauge his reaction. “I didn’t believe you, son... I apologize.”

Aiden exhales like he’s frustrated but takes his father’s hand and shakes it. “Father, I really wish you had more trust and faith in me. It pains me greatly to think that you believed a co-worker over your own flesh and blood. I can forgive you, but I’ll never forget.”

Although it’s all said civilly, it’s obvious Aiden’s still pissed off with his father. I’m quite sure he’ll hold onto his father’s reaction and treatment for some time. I think Niall’s going to have to work for his son’s forgiveness, as he should.

But right now, I’m far too happy to dwell on the lack of Niall’s ability to be a good father as we all walk out to the curb. Everyone takes turns hugging Aiden, but I don’t dare release his hand for fear this is all a dream.

Chris slaps Aiden on the back in his usual manner. “I never thought you were guilty, bud. Not for one minute.”

Aiden lets out a long breath. “Thanks, I appreciate it, and everything you did for Jeni.” They go in for a man hug, slapping each other on their backs while they embrace.

Mike steps forward taking Aiden into a tight squeeze. Their bond is so strong, it’s nice to see them together. “Don’t scare me like that again, you hear me?” He swipes away a tear from his cheek.

My heart flutters at the undeniable adoration Mike has for Aiden.

“Mike’s been taking very good care of me while you’ve been… away,” I tell Aiden.

“Thank you, Mike. You don’t know how much that means to me.”

Aiden takes my hand in his as he moves us off to walk to the car, and I take my seat next to Aiden. Sarah and Chris said we should have some time alone so they left to catch an Uber. But the minute we’re alone in the car, I can’t control myself, lunging onto Aiden’s lap, surprising him by kissing him passionately. He chuckles, wrapping his arms around my waist as my hands mess through his hair. The car starts, and we move out into the traffic while my tongue dances with his. The feeling of kissing him again sends a rush of emotion through me.

I thought I had lost him.

For years.

I thought we were on a rocky road with no end in sight.

And now, he’s here, in my arms, kissing me with these damn explosions surging through my lips as we make our way to his parents’ mansion to celebrate. I know we won’t have a lot of time alone. However, we make the most of what time we do have. I don’t even care if Mike sees. All I want is the taste of Aiden’s lips against mine.

His arms hold me tightly but not tight enough. I need him with the same urgency as he needs me. We stay in our desperate embrace, both afraid to let go.

The abrupt stop and the lack of engine sound indicates we’ve arrived. Slowly, and regretfully, we separate, resting our foreheads together, our breaths returning to normal.

“I’ve really missed you, Jeni, more than you’ll ever know. I’m so in love with you. What I need more than anything right now is to be inside you, but I know we have to celebrate with everyone first.”

My body throbs at the thought of him inside me. “I missed you, too. Every day was torture being away from you. I can’t wait to be at home, alone, so I can show you just how much I missed you.”

Aiden grins as Mike opens the car door. I’m still sitting on Aiden’s lap which makes Mike smile as he stands aside. Aiden kisses me one last time, slowly and softly, before placing me on the seat and edging out of the car. He holds his hand out for me to take as I exit right behind him.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance