Page 58 of Love Me

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We both nod and move into the living room, all of us that is, except for Niall, who’s sulking in his study like a spoiled little brat, and not the patriarch of a dynasty that he’s supposed to be.

We sit on the sofa, and the mood lifts slightly while we talk about who Aiden wants to invite to his birthday. He includes my mom, which surprises me, but in a nice way.

“Have a think about where you want to have dinner and let me know, honey.”

“Of course, Mom. I’ll let you know as soon as I decide.”

She nods. “With that settled, who wants coffee or tea?”

“Think we might head off, Mom. It’s getting late, and it’s been an emotional night.”

Callie smiles and stands. “You two have a lovely weekend, and I’ll talk to you soon. Jeni, look after yourself.”

With a dip of my chin, we stand and walk to the door. “Thanks for dinner, Mom. It was delicious as usual.”

“Thank you for the company. You know I love having you both here. I’m sorry about what was said tonight. I can only imagine how you’re feeling, Jeni, because I know how I feel.” Her face contorts into a frown.

“Never mind. He is who he is. Your dinner was delicious,” I tell her.

She raises her eyebrow. “You hardly touched your food, sweetheart, but thank you, anyway.”

Aiden takes hold of my hand and hugs his mom using the other. “Love you, Mom.”

“I love you, my darling. Call me soon about your birthday dinner.”

Aiden smiles, then leads me to the car. I shuffle in, and he follows closely behind me.

We’re finally on our way home when a wave of exhaustion hits me. What an emotional day and evening. I’ll have to grow a thicker skin and not let Niall’s taunts get to me. Otherwise, I’m going to end up a blubbering mess in a mental institution. It’s not easy to absorb so much anger from one person—he really does detest me. I mustn’t let that asshole worry me, though. I have to be strong for Aiden. I won’t let the bond Aiden built with his father before I came along be torn apart by me. I just won’t.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance