Page 55 of Love Me

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We drive to the O’Connell mansion and are greeted by Callie at the door. “Hi, everyone.” Her eyes shift to Mike with a warm fondness. “You don’t need to sit in the car. Please come in and have some dinner with us, Mike.”

Mike dips his head at Callie, a soft smile touching his lips. “I’d love to join you, Mrs. O’Connell.”

Callie holds her arms out and embraces me tightly. “Oh, darling, you look pale and thin. Aiden, you need to take better care of my girl.”

“I will, Mom,” his voice is low, and I know he feels responsible. But he isn’t. Aiden was utterly perfect through this whole ordeal, and I hope he knows that.

Callie leads us into the living room as Brielle and Bill walk in and take their seat on the sofa.

“How was the first day back at work, you two?” Callie asks.

I glance at Aiden as he loosens, then takes off his tie, shoving it in his pocket. “Jeni’s doing well. She’s a great asset.”

I shake my head in objection but with a smile.

“Oh, come now, Jeni, don’t be modest. I’m sure you’re doing a fantastic job.”

Niall huffs as he walks past and heads into his study.

“No, honestly, you’re catching on quickly. Ask Daniel. It took him months to do what you’ve learned in such a short time,” Brielle says loudly, obviously so her father can hear.

I smirk at her blatancy. “Thanks, Bree.”

The doorbell chimes, and Bill stands to answer it as we all look toward the door. “That should be Nana,” Callie announces.

“Nana’s coming tonight? Awesome,” Brielle gushes as she jumps up off the sofa and runs to the front door. We laugh at Brielle, a twenty-four-year-old woman who still gets excited to see her Nana—it’s cute.

Nana strides into the room gracefully as Callie walks off to the kitchen. Her eyes meet me right away, saddening in a somber expression. “Darling, you look tired,” Nana says to me kindly.

That’s just a nice way of saying that I look like crap.

Aiden takes my hand in his and entwines our fingers, obviously understanding the sentiment as well as I do.

“I’m getting there, Nana.”

“You two make such a gorgeous couple, don’t they, Mike?” Nana asks casually.

“Yes, ma’am, they certainly do.” Mike smiles up at Aiden, a hint of protectiveness shining through. Mike really takes his job with Aiden seriously.

Aiden relaxes back into the sofa, and I make myself comfortable next to him as he places his arm around me.

“Dinner’s ready,” Callie announces a short time later.

In the dining room, the table is set beautifully with silver cutlery, a white tablecloth, and the biggest vase of roses I’ve ever seen as a centerpiece.

Not surprisingly, Niall grumpily walks in, slumps down at the head of the table, ready to carve the roast in the uncomfortable silence. The rest of us sit awkwardly, waiting for someone to say something.

“Niall, how was your day?” Callie breaks the tension.

In sync, we all look to Niall, waiting for his answer. “It would’ve been good if I had competent staff.” He stares directly at me as the words spew from his mouth like venom.

At least he’s acknowledging I’m here. I guess that’s a start, I think.

Aiden rolls his eyes but doesn’t say anything.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me, boy. You know as well as I do that she’s useless.”

“Niall! Please be civil for once in your life,” Callie says quietly.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance