Page 36 of Love Me

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Sarah laughs. “Hey, Jeni. I love you, and we’re best friends and all, but I think that’s crossing the friendship line when you ask your best friend what she’s wearing in that seductive voice.”

“Sorry, Sez, thought you were Aiden.” Fuck. How embarrassing.

“Yeah, figured as much. So, you’re completely free on a Saturday night. I’m coming ‘round, and we’re going out, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

Damn! I can’t be bothered going out. I’d rather sit here, drink my wine, and wait for Aiden’s call, but I know what Sarah is like. She’ll drag me by my hair if she has to. “Come on over, but I’m not having a big night, just a couple of drinks with my bestie.”

“Okay, Grandma, get ready. I’ll see you in an hour.” She ends the call before I can answer.

I make my way to the bedroom to find appropriate clothes, and then about an hour later, my phone rings, and I make my way down to the parking garage.

Sarah and Chris are waiting for me, looking completely glamorous. “You guys look great.”

“So do you. Now, let’s go!” Sarah reaches into the elevator and pulls me by my arm, dragging me along with her. I giggle as she almost runs us to Chris’ car, then we take off.

Pulling up at some fancy-looking club, Chris lets us out of the car, then drives off, leaving us at the curb.

“Chris isn’t coming with us?”

“Yeah, he’ll be back later. He’s catching up with some douchebags from work or something. I don’t care. Let’s drink.”

Her blasé attitude always makes me laugh as we make our way to the front of the line.

“Can I see some ID, ladies?” the big burly bouncer asks.

“We’re both twenty-six?” I question confused.

Sarah pulls out her ID. “Jeni, if he thinks we look too young to get in, I am gonna take that as a good thing?”

The bouncer checks her photo ID, then mine, and we walk inside. The music is blaring, the vibration so intense it’s like my insides are bouncing with the beat. The lights of the room flash and pulse in time with the music, giving this place a real edgy nightclub vibe. I shove my phone inside my bra so I can feel it if Aiden calls or texts. I haven’t heard from him all day, so I don’t want to miss him. Sarah takes me by the hand, and we make our way straight for the bar. We sit on two empty stools, and the bartender asks, “What can I get you, ladies?”

“Cocktails,” Sarah squeals. “Two Pina Coladas, please.”

The bartender takes our money and walks off to prepare our drinks.

“So, when does Aiden come back?”

“On Monday, two more days.”

The bartender hands over our drinks—they have a slice of pineapple and a vibrant umbrella poking out from the top. I take a sip, and, of course, it’s delicious. One thing about Sarah is she knows good alcohol.

My phone vibrates, and I pull it from my top to read the message.

Aiden: Hi, baby, today is dragging, and I’m counting the minutes until I can see you again. My weekend is filled with business. I hope at least you’re doing something fun with your Saturday night. xoxo

I smile at his text feeling ecstatic to finally hear from him and hit Reply.

Jenifer: Hey, babe, can’t wait to see you again. I’m out with Sarah at some fancy club, and she’s force-feeding me cocktails. I’m sure any minute now I’ll be dragged onto the dance floor. Wish you were here. xoxo

I hit Send and drink the last of my cocktail.

“C’mon, Jeni, it’s dance time,” Sarah calls out loudly over the music.

Generally, it takes a lot to get me onto the dance floor, but with the cocktail and the wine I consumed at home before I left, I’m feeling great. She takes my hand and leads me out to the middle of the dance floor among all the dancing drunkards. We move along to the music, and we’re having fun when I notice a guy eyeing Sarah. I smirk while observing him making his way over to us.

He starts to dance next to her, and she’s oblivious as usual.

I smile, watching the scene unfold. Sarah has her hands up in the air and is dancing without a care when he makes his move. He leans into her side and wraps his arm around her waist. She glares and removes his arm, waving her finger and tutting at him. He frowns, and she looks at me. I can’t help but laugh which I think actually encourages the guy. He moves to her side again and starts to gyrate his groin into her leg.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance