Page 25 of Love Me

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I gulp and nod, then turn to walk out of his office and straight to the bathroom. Brielle is in the boardroom setting up, and as I walk past her, she smiles at me sympathetically. I smile back at her, letting her know I’m fine.

I step into the bathroom, look in the mirror, and stand with my hands on the basin staring at my reflection.

Is this what I want?

Niall picking on me for the rest of my life with Aiden?

Aiden thinks he will warm up to me once he gets to know me better, but how long will that take?

Can I tolerate this for the foreseeable future?

I stare aimlessly into the mirror asking myself questions that I have no answers for. I know one thing for sure, I can’t let Aiden walk away from his family and work. I know how much he loves them both. I also know he loves me, but that’s too big of a sacrifice to make.

Brielle moves in behind me, touching my shoulder. “Hey, are you all right?”

“Yeah. It’s damn hard getting used to your father hating me like this.”

She exhales. “He doesn’t hate you. I’m sure he doesn’t. He’s always wanted Aiden to be just like him in every way. And thank God, Aiden sure as hell doesn’t want to be like our father. I, for one, couldn’t stand another one of him running around. One is more than enough.”

I laugh, and she puts her arm around me. “Look at it this way… he just wants what’s best for Aiden, and he honestly doesn’t care who he hurts in the process. In his mind, he’s molding him to be the best he can be and to follow in his footsteps. Father was always going to make him vice president. He wants Aiden to want it and to work that little bit harder for it.” She shrugs as she purses her lips. “Father has a really bad way of showing how much he cares about him.” She smiles. “I’m not defending him in any way, not at all, just trying to make you feel a bit better by understanding how his mind works. Father is very complicated. I’m not sure even Mom really understands what makes him tick. I do know that Father only has Aiden’s best interests at heart.”

I fake a smile. “Thanks, Bree.”

“You’re welcome. Oh, and don’t tell him he was always going to get the vice president position. Aiden would pitch a fit if he found out.”

“Secret’s safe with me.”

“We better finish getting the boardroom ready, or Father will have an aneurysm.”

I laugh as she walks out of the bathroom while I move into a stall thinking about how much stress I’ve been under, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. I know life here at the office can be tough, but I need to keep my head and strength up in all of this. After I wash up, I make my way to the kitchen to check the coffee machine and to grab the cookies and other nibbles for the Andersons to snack on in the meeting. With everything in hand, I meet Brielle in the boardroom where she is placing folders with the O’Connell Finance logo on the table in front of each chair.

“Will they be here soon?” I ask Brielle.

“Yeah, the meeting is due to start in about five minutes.” She frantically rubs off what’s on the smartboard while I place the items in the middle of the table, spreading them out evenly so everyone can reach something to eat. The elevator chimes, and five suited businessmen and a woman walk into the foyer. I glance up as Aiden and Niall greet them, shaking their hands in turn.

Brielle gestures for us to leave the boardroom, so I walk out with her, and we head back to our desks. I watch them make their way into the boardroom and shut the door—this is all very formal.

“We have to go in there in about five minutes or so to take their coffee orders.”

“Five minutes. Got it.” Nerves begin to invade my body. I want to make a good impression.

My phone starts to ring, so I answer it.

“Hi, honey, it’s Callie. How are you finding it?”

On hearing Aiden’s mother’s calming voice, I finally relax. “Callie, it’s good. There’ve been a few minor settling-in issues, but other than that, all is going well. How are you?”

“I take it the minor settling-in issues are to do with my husband? Take no notice of him, sweetheart. He’s a grumpy old man who doesn’t know how to behave himself.”

I chuckle. “Thanks, I’ll try to remember that. Did you want to speak to Aiden? He’s in a meeting at the moment. I can have him call you back.”

“No, that’s fine, honey. I rang to talk to you actually.”

“Oh!” I widen my eyes wondering why she wants to talk to me of all people.

“I’d like to have you both over for dinner next weekend to arrange Aiden’s birthday.”

I nod even though she can’t see me. “Oh, okay. It’s thetwenty-second of March, right?”

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance