Page 99 of Trust Me

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Everyone’s jaws drop.

The unthinkable has happened.

Daniel’s eyes shift to Killian who’s staring at his father in shock.

Aiden glares at his father with undeniable disgust pulsating through him. “Father, you can’t fire my PA. Daniel is a part of our family. To say you don’t trust him is complete bullshit, and you know it.”

“This isn’t up for discussion. Now let’s have Christmas dinner as a family. Daniel, that includes you. You’re part of our family, but not part of O’Connell Finance. Is that clear?” Niall’s heated stare is directed at Daniel whose mouth is still open with shock.

“Yes, sir,” Daniel huffs as he sits at the table.

Nana exhales quietly as she proceeds to dish out the meal. An awkward silence overtakes the room, and I feel like I am a little responsible for everything that has transpired. But I guess at least Killian and Daniel are free to be themselves now. I just hope Daniel can find his way in this world. With Killian by his side, I’m sure he can.

Aiden and I have only small portions after our large lunch with my mom. The dinner is eaten in complete silence with people occasionally looking at Daniel to check he’s okay. The tension in the air is rife and thick with disdain. Everyone’s angry at Niall, and Niall is angry at the world like the asshole he truly is. This sure as shit is not how I pictured my first Christmas dinner with the love of my life.

“This is ridiculous. It’s Christmas. We should be happy and jolly, not miserable and cautious,” Callie commands while shaking her head.

Nana stands up and raises her glass. “To the new couples, Aiden and Jeni, Brielle and Logan, and Killian and Daniel, may you all have long and fruitful relationships filled with love and trust.”

We raise our glasses.

“To the new couples,” everyone chimes, except Niall, and we clink our glasses together.

I think of Nana’s words. Filled with love and trust. Aiden and I have no problems with the love part of our relationship, but the trust part is a different story for me. My subconscious raises her ugly head, making me think about the investigation. I don’t for a minute think Aiden did it, but there’s a part of me that wavers every now and then, and that part annoys me for even thinking it.

The conversation picks up around the table. Nana stands and begins to clear the plates, and I move to help her. We head to the kitchen with the dirty dishes. Nana and I are halfway through cleaning when Daniel enters and walks up to me as I turn to greet him. “I’m sorry you lost your job, Daniel. I honestly never thought Niall would do that.”

He rests his hand on my shoulder and half-smiles. “It’s fine. I knew he would. I’ll work for Killian at his gallery, so there are no losers here today.”

“Couldn’t you sue Niall for unfair dismissal?”

Daniel laughs. “Yes, I’m sure I could. But I won’t. He’s like family, and even though I know why he fired me isn’t technically legal, I wouldn’t do that to Killian or Aiden. Now I have to find a replacement for Aiden. Know anyone?” He raises his eyebrows.

I look at him, confused. “Who? Me? I’m not sure Aiden would like that, me being around him all the time.”

“He’d love it. Are you kidding me?”

I tilt my head as I look at him. “Have you talked to him about this?”

“It was his idea.”

I shake my head, not knowing what to say. “Honestly, I’ll have to think about it.” I love my job, but the Tim issue makes shit awkward.

I have a lot to consider.

“Go on… you know you want to,” Daniel goads as Killian comes in and hugs him from behind, kissing him on the cheek.

“So, you’re going to be Aiden’s new PA?” Killian asks.

I chuckle. “Does everybody know about this except for me?” I ask jokingly.

“Yeah, pretty much.” Killian chuckles as he lets Daniel go.

I bite my bottom lip as I think about Tim and the massive amount of awkwardness that fills the room every time we’re in it together. “You took a leap of faith, Daniel. Maybe I should as well.”

“I’m sure you’ll look after him better than I did.”

I scoff. “I doubt that very much, but thanks for saying so.” I walk toward the living room where everyone’s seated.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance