Page 82 of Trust Me

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“Well, I’ll take that brotherly protection any day, Chris…” Changing the subject I say, “Question… what does the ‘J’ stand for in CJ?”

He scrunches up his face. “The ‘J’ is for Jagger. It’s embarrassing, and that’s why I never mention it. Dad’s obsessed with the Rolling Stones.”

We chuckle as Aiden stands to shake his hand. “Hey, man,” Chris remarks.

“Small world,” Aiden replies.

Chris bobs his head. “Tell me about it.” He takes Sarah’s hand and pulls her to him. “Mom, I want you to meet Sarah.”

Sarah blushes as Mel pulls her in for a hug. “I’ve heard so much about you, Sarah…” She pauses with a sly smirk. “Just so you know, part of my job is to check our employees’ emails to make sure we are reaching customer goals, and I officially know way too much about my son’s sex life.” Sarah’s mouth drops open as does mine. “So glad he’s using protective measures in your climactic events,” Mel jokes with a smirk so wide as she kisses Chris on the cheek. “It’s great to finally meet you, Sarah.” Mel beams as she walks away.

Chris and I burst out laughing while Sarah turns the brightest shade of red I have ever seen.

“Well, that was officially mortifying,” Sarah murmurs under her breath.

“You guys talk about our sex life in your emails?” Chris asks quietly.

“Sarah talks, I listen and tell her off. I always thought that maybe Mel read them but was never sure. I do think it’s pretty hilarious she was reading about her own son, though.”

I glance at Aiden, who doesn’t seem the slightest bit amused by this development. “You okay?” I ask quietly as Chris tries but fails to comfort a humiliated Sarah.

Aiden scrunches his brows at me. “You talk about our sex life via email?”

Oh shit! He doesn’t look happy at all. Actually, he looks hurt.

I frown at his demeanor. “Not explicitly.”

He inhales sharply as Chris slaps him on the back, plonking down next to him, interrupting us as Sarah sits next to me. “Hey, dude, what have you been up to?” Chris asks Aiden, taking his attention away from me.

I turn away to face Sarah. “You all right?”

Her eyes are still wide from the shock. “I never thought for one second your boss would actually read your emails. And would never ever have put two and two together that she could be Chris’ mother. Shit, shit, shit,” she stammers.

“Don’t worry. Mel thinks it’s funny. I could tell by the way she joked about it. She’s probably delighted that you’re in a good place with her son.”

“She probably thinks I’m some sort of whore taking advantage of him.”

I suppress a laugh. “You’re not a whore, and I know for a fact she wouldn’t think that. I’m sure she’s glad you make him happy.”

The sisters run over to hug their big brother, shifting closer to Aiden as they go. Chris stands, takes Sarah by the hand, and introduces his sisters to her. “Sarah, these are my crazy sisters… the birthday girl, Skye. And this is Amy and Jade. Girls, this is my girlfriend, Sarah.”

They squeal and rush around Sarah, all talking to her at the same time. The noise is more than I thought could come from such small girls. Chris shakes his head. “Girls, one at a time. Don’t overwhelm her.” They laugh as Sarah looks at me with her eyes screaming, ‘help me.’

Skye takes Sarah’s arm in hers, and the girls lead her over to the jukebox. Chris follows, putting his arms in the air while shaking his head. I watch in delight at my best friend being welcomed into her new family. It’s so freaking nice to see.

My mind wanders to Aiden’s family. They’re so welcoming of me as well, that is, except for one. I turn to face Aiden who’s watching me somewhat distantly, almost like he’s looking through me.

I swallow hard. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you’d be upset about me talking to Sarah about us.”

He laughs, confusing me. “I’m not angry because you talk to Sarah about me. I’m angry because it’s in writing, on the damn Internet, and I’m currently being investigated for embezzlement. I can’t have any red flags popping up about me. I need to be squeaky clean, Jeni,” he whispers.

I bite my bottom lip. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even know about the embezzlement thing until yesterday. How was I supposed to know that emailing could negatively affect you?” I question. “If you’d have told me sooner what was going on instead of leaving me in the dark, then maybe I would’ve known not to say anything.”

His body sags. “I didn’t tell you because I thought you’d run and never look back.” His eyes seem sincere.

My chest squeezes at the thought he’s just as worried about losing me as I am about losing him.

I take his hand in mine as a show of comfort. “If I were going to run, don’t you think I would’ve by now? Think back to the retirement ball when your father was… let’s just say, less than welcoming. I don’t care if you’re rich, poor, being investigated for embezzlement, or have an arrogant ass of a father. I’m here, and I’m not running. I love you, Aiden. I regret putting how I feel about you in writing, and I’m very sorry. I won’t do it again, and I also promise that I’ll delete the emails as soon as I get to work on Monday. I don’t, however, regret our time together. I don’t even care about your father being the way he is. I don’t care how he feels. I only care about you!”

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance