Page 70 of Trust Me

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I have no idea what she’s talking about, so I look at Aiden as he not so casually takes a sip of his wine.

“They’re still looking into it,” he replies in a clipped tone I’ve not heard from him before.

Nana realizes right away he doesn’t want to talk about it, so she changes the subject. “What are your plans for the weekend, Jeni?”

I glance at Aiden, who’s intentionally avoiding my gaze, his face tight and strained like he’s full of worry and concern. I’m not going to push him for information about whatever this is so early in our relationship when he’s obviously not ready to confide in me. So, I turn to Nana, who hastily takes a sip of her wine. “Um… I have a barbecue on Saturday, which I think Aiden is coming with me?” It’s more like a question than a statement.

Aiden simply nods his answer.

“Should be good weather for it.” Nana’s eyes don’t leave Aiden’s, but a massive tension fills the air. I watch Aiden out of the corner of my eye, but he’s purposely avoiding me.

Something’s definitely going on right now, but I have no idea what the hell it is.

“So, tell me more about Aiden as a child.” I try to lighten the mood.

Finally, he looks at me, tilting his head as a smile crosses his face. “Don’t say a word, Nana,” he warns lightly.

We laugh as the tension thankfully eases a little. “Wouldn’t dream of it, dear.” Nana stands to take our empty plates.

“Thank you. This was delicious,” I tell Nana, meaning every word.

Aiden takes my hand under the table linking our fingers while Nana exits the room. My eyes shift to his, but he’s completely avoiding eye contact with me. “You okay?” I ask with concern.

“I’m fine, beautiful,” he murmurs with a half-smile, but it doesn’t reassure me one tiny bit as Nana returns with a photograph album and a bright smile.

“Nana, no,” Aiden drones defeatedly.

I laugh as she places the album in front of me. “These are pictures of Aiden, Killian, and Brielle when they were younger.”

Aiden runs his hand through his hair. “We’re really doing this?” he questions Nana as we both laugh.

Flicking the front page of the album over, I notice a very scrawny Aiden and his siblings running through the shallow edge of a lake. It warms my heart to see him so innocent and young. Turning the pages, there are various photographs of him—a few baby pictures, one of him sitting on Santa’s lap, his first day of kindergarten, a few other school events in between including prom and his high school graduation, then they end at his college graduation. As I look over the images, I remember seeing most of the people I met at the retirement party, including Mike, but his father’s missing in all of them. My face crinkles as I try to think why he wouldn’t be at any of these events.

“What’s wrong?” Aiden asks as I study them.

“Why’s your father missing from these photos with you?”

His face stiffens as he runs his hand through his short hair.


I’ve overstepped the boundary.


I really have no idea when not to speak out loud what I’m thinking. His nostrils flare, and he tenses seeming angry. I swallow the lump in my throat as Nana steps in to break the awkward silence lingering between us. “His father was always working. He didn’t attend any of these events.” Nana’s worried eyes study Aiden as I close the album, taking his hand under the table. ‘Sorry,’ I mouth to him as Nana moves the album away.

He manages a half-smile and a nod. The hurt in his eyes is abundantly clear. One thing I’ve noticed about Aiden is he finds it hard to hide his feelings, and they are always written all over his face. His father has a lot to answer for which only makes me dislike the asshole even more.

“Tea, coffee?” Nana asks, breaking the silence.

“The usual, thanks,” Aiden manages.

“I’ll have a coffee. Need a hand?” I query.

“You’re my guest,” Nana reminds me.

I smile as Aiden stands abruptly, still holding my hand making me look up at him in confusion. “Let’s go sit on the sofa,” he offers, tilting his head toward the entertainment room.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance