Page 46 of Trust Me

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“You okay?” Aiden asks as Mike opens the door.

“Did Donald Parker pass away, or is this a farewell party thing?” I whisper.

Aiden laughs at my foolish thought. “No, he’s retiring.”

Relief floods over me. “Oh, thank God,” I blurt out as Aiden hops out of the car.

I don’t deal well with death.

Aiden holds his hand out for me, and I take it, exiting the car as gracefully as I can manage, which for me is unusually smooth. I step out onto the curb and straighten my dress.

Then as I turn to face the front of the hotel, it’s plain to see everyone’s eyes are focused directly on me. Their intense scrutiny is more than unsettling.

What the hell?

All these faces are staring right at me as Aiden places his arm around my waist ushering me inside. My stomach flutters in nerves as he pulls me with him. “What was that about?” I whisper as he holds me close.

“I usually come to these things solo. They’re not used to witnessing such a beautiful woman on my arm.”

“Huh,” I reply in my shock. Honestly, I have no words for his answer.

We walk through the reception area where a large water feature in the center of the entry sits loud and proud. The marble masterpiece towers over everything, the trickling water sending a calming intonation through the air as I smile at the beautiful showpiece.

To the left is the ballroom, and we make our way in that direction, frequently stopping for Aiden to greet his co-workers. Once inside the ballroom, I peer around and see numerous chandeliers dangling gracefully from the ceiling. They sparkle sending shards of twinkling light dancing across the room. The tables are round and set with crisp, white tablecloths and crystal candelabra centerpieces, which honestly look like something from the movie set of Beauty and the Beast. The seats are covered with white chair covers and tied with burgundy bows. The room is immaculate. There’s a small dance floor in the center, a microphone stands near the front, and soft melodic music filters through the air.

Aiden leads me to a table where a group of people are already seated. Some of them I recognize from the photographs in his living room.

My muscles tense in apprehension.

This is it!

I’m about to meet Aiden’s family!

I brace myself on his arm, making sure I don’t fall—no need to embarrass myself in front of them.

Aiden’s eyes meet mine. “You ready?”

“As I’ll ever be,” I reply, not meaning it at all. We reach the table, and they all stand.

“Hi, darling,” Aiden’s mother chimes as she leans in, embracing him with a kiss to his cheek.

“Everyone. This is Jenifer Taylor. Jeni, this is my mother, Callie…” he points at her, “my brother, Killian, my sister, Brielle, and you remember my PA, Daniel?”

“Of course. Hi, everyone. It’s so lovely to meet you all.” I shake their hands as I’m introduced, and I try to remember everyone’s names. They’re all dressed glamorously. It’s like I’ve arrived at a Hollywood red-carpet event.

An elderly man walks up, slapping Aiden on the back, then not so subtly eyes me up and down.

“Aiden, I see you’ve brought a date with you…” He tilts his head toward Killian. “I guess, at least, this clarifies you’re not gay like your brother,” he goads, intentionally insulting Aiden and his brother at the same time. I notice Daniel, Aiden’s PA, shifting in his seat, looking uncomfortable at the unfolding situation.

“Father,” Aiden grumbles as his father turns, walking away.

“Charming,” I whisper into Aiden’s ear. I glance at his obviously angry brother, noticing him looking more than slightly uncomfortable.

Aiden turns up his lip. “That’s normal behavior for my father.” He pulls my chair out, and I slide in beside his sister, then Aiden sits next to me.

“Brielle, I love your dress.” I sincerely try to make small talk as I wave over what just happened.

She looks at her dress, then back at me. “Thanks. I love it, too. I had it made by my friend’s cousin. She’s a designer. Not a well-known one, but she’s really good, don’t you think?” Her peppy demeanor has me liking her instantly.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance