Page 32 of Trust Me

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I wake with my head on his chest and his arm around my body, holding me tightly to him.

“Morning, beautiful.”

“Morning,” I reply sleepily. Then my eyes shoot open as I realize what’s happening. “Morning? Did we fall asleep?”

Aiden’s fingers gently stroke through my hair. “Yeah. We were staring at the stars, and next thing I knew, I woke, and you’re all over me.” He chuckles as I scoff and slap him on the stomach.

I pull my head up to look at him. His hair is disheveled but in an incredibly attractive way.

“Gotta love that panda-eye look in the morning,” he jokes while handing me his handkerchief.

Sitting bolt upright, I turn away from him in embarrassment. I don’t want Aiden to see me without makeup, and especially not with it all down my face. He laughs as I flail around trying to grab hold without looking. Finally, he places the handkerchief in my hand, and I wipe the mascara and eyeliner from underneath my eyes.

“Jesus, I must look terrible,” I mutter under my breath, frustrated I don’t have a bathroom where I can get cleaned up.

He sits up behind me, moves the hair from my neck, giving me a tender kiss. “You look beautiful,” Aiden defends, making my heart skip a beat. His arms wrap around me as we watch the sunrise in its beautiful hues of aqua and pink over the trees. It’s like the heavens are rising with the sun as it ascends in front of us in all its glory. The beauty elates me in this moment.

“Technically, we’ve slept together,” he whispers cheekily in my ear.

I laugh while turning to face him and kiss him gently on the lips. “You wish, Mr. O’Connell.”

“I said slept together as in sleep. What are you talking about, Miss Taylor?”

“Smart-ass.” I jab at his chest with a smirk.

He kisses my forehead as he exhales. “Guess I’d better get you home,” his voice is laced with disappointment.

“How about some breakfast first?” I ask shyly trying to gain as much time with him as possible.

“Sounds good.” He stands, placing his hand out for me to take, and as I do, he pulls me from the ground into a tight embrace, then we walk hand in hand back to the car.

“Has Mike been here all night?” I ask as I see the Cadillac in the distance.

“Yeah, he would’ve been waiting for us.”

I jerk my head back in shock. “Are you kidding? He stayed here all night waiting for us? Now I feel terrible.”

“Don’t worry about Mike. He would’ve gone to sleep in the car.”

I feel terrible that Mike had to spend the night cramped in the back seat of a car so we could spend the night together. Aiden looks at me and stops walking. “Honestly, he doesn’t mind. Plus, I got to spend the night with you in my arms. That’s a pretty good way to finish our date, in my opinion.”

I look down. He lifts my chin so our eyes meet. At the sight of those beautiful blue eyes, I inhale slightly, then he gently kisses me. “I have to admit, it was nice to spend the night in your arms,” I reply quietly as he pulls me in for an embrace.

We walk toward the car again. Mike’s in the Cadillac, sprawled out on the back seat, snoring. And as I look at Aiden, an idea comes to mind. “Why don’t you drive us somewhere for breakfast and let Mike sleep?” I whisper.

Aiden nods, walks me to the passenger door, and I slide in. He runs around to the driver’s seat and closes his door quietly. “Mike’s a sound sleeper… plus, I’ve always wanted to drive a Cadillac.” Aiden waggles his brows at me.

I spin around to Mike, and he’s still fast asleep. “What about the picnic blanket and telescope?”

“I own the land,” Aiden replies so casually like it’s normal for someone to own such a great piece of prime real estate.

“You own the land? Like the whole thing?” I question to make sure I’ve heard him correctly.

His lips turn up in the corner, just the slightest amount. “I’ve worked hard, and it has paid off.”

With a simple nod, I sink into the big seat of the Cadillac as we drive down the hill and back through the gate onto the main road. As he turns off the dirt road, he leans over and takes my hand from my lap to hold. I occasionally look over my shoulder to see if Mike has woken, but he’s somehow still sleeping soundly.

It’s amazing how Aiden can make me feel so calm and relaxed in his presence. I hardly know the guy, and somehow, he’s making my emotions soar, and it’s only our first date. Surely, that has to be a good sign? But I know I shouldn’t get ahead of myself.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance