Page 29 of Trust Me

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Absolutely everything.

Aiden moves his hand from my waist to hold onto the rail. Our kissing becomes feverishly eager, his tongue presses against mine, and they intertwine—we’re in perfect sync with each other. I’ve never been kissed like this before, and I only want ever to be kissed like this from now on. Our breathing becomes faster and erratic as our kissing becomes more intimate, and my heart pounds rapid and hard. He slides his hands down to my thigh, lifting it around him to bring him in closer as his other hand moves from my face to the back of my head, gripping into my hair tightly. A little more alpha from him, and I have to say, I like it.

Aiden breaks our kiss, his lips caressing down my neck, slowly and seductively. I let out a soft whimper as my head falls back in pleasure, causing me to breathe in a stuttering breath as my hand grips tightly onto his back.

My eyes flicker open in my lust-filled desire, only to see the waitress standing there, gawking at us. Fuck! My muscles stiffen, dropping my leg to the deck, letting Aiden go. He pulls back, narrowing his eyes on me to see why I’ve stopped.

My eyes shift toward the voyeur waitress. Aiden turns, looks at her, then slumps, letting out a disgruntled huff. He spins back to face me, slowly leaning in. “Now that’s a first kiss,” he whispers as he grabs my hand and leads me back over to the table.

I can’t help but smile at the kiss we’ve just shared because I never would normally let myself get that carried away with a complete stranger. But maybe, just maybe, I’m starting to like this newfound, stronger version of Jeni.

“Would you like dessert, sir?”

He looks at me, raising his eyebrows. “I think we’ve had enough for tonight. Please give my regards to Frankie and tell him I owe him one.” He smiles a special smile at her, and she gives one right back.

“Will do, thank you, sir.” She then disappears down the path.

Aiden, still holding my hand, turns to me and takes my other hand. “Feel like going for a drive?”

I look at him, puzzled. “Sure.” I wonder where we’re going as I grab my clutch from the table. He enfolds my arm in his, and we head back up toward the Cadillac. I hold on tightly and keep my eyes focused on the path as we walk. I really don’t want to trip again, nor do I want to look at his handsome face with that smile and those eyes. Those bright blue eyes which are captivating and alluring, and I fear that with one look, I won’t be able to restrain myself. Just thinking about kissing him is making my knees weak.

I exhale quite abruptly bringing me back into reality. “Thank you for dinner,” I declare quietly, still looking down at my unsteady feet.

“You’re most welcome.” He smiles, and my eyes lift to his lips.

Those lips that I dissolved into. God, I want to kiss him again…

Aiden pauses, turning my body, so I’m forced to look at him. He moves so his body is in line with mine. He winks and gives me a mischievous smile. Suddenly, he pushes me, so his entire body is trapping mine against the embankment. His hands grip my face as he kisses me feverishly. My arms wrap around his waist as I pull him closer, so his hips are against mine.

I’m breathless at his touch—it’s so powerful, so masculine, and so seductive.

His passion grows as does his hard cock against me. He moans as he bites my bottom lip. My head falls back, and he kisses up and down my neck. This is so intense, my knees begin to buckle. He pulls my leg up, holding it to his side, moving in so I can feel his hard cock pressing into my panties. I want to feel everything, I need to feel everything, so I…

“Jeni… Jeni?” I hear my name called as I’m pulled from my reverie. Aiden opens the car door for me. “Ladies first.”

I look up at him as I realize I’ve imagined a steamy hillside romance while walking back to the car.

I need to get a grip.

Aiden looks at me, studying my face as I blink rapidly. “Are you okay?” he asks.

“Yes. Couldn’t be better, thank you,” I reassure as I stumble onto the back seat of the car not so effortlessly.

Aiden slides in with ease and sits next to me. Our bodies touch ever so slightly sending a pulse through the car that I’m sure even Mike can feel.

“To the scope, please, Mike.”

The car pulls off as Aiden takes hold of my hand, stroking the back of it gently. “You have such beautiful soft skin.”

All I want to do is kiss those tender lips again, but I restrain myself. It is, after all, our first date. I look at the rearview mirror in front of me to see if Mike is watching us. He seems to be concentrating on the road ahead. “Thanks,” I timidly reply. Aiden curls his hand, our fingers intertwined in a tight grip. I look down to our hands and bite my bottom lip.

Is this really happening?

I’m in a pink Cadillac, holding hands with the most incredible guy. To top it off, he’s looking at me as though I’m the only thing in the world he cares about. Surely, this is a dream! I look into his bright blue eyes and close mine tightly and re-open them trying to wake from the dream world I must be in, but when I open them, he’s still looking at me. A confused look forms on his face as I inhale sharply. My eyes widen as he starts to smile at me.

“This is real?” I mutter under my breath. Quickly, I realize I’ve said that out loud. My mouth drops open in humiliation as I sit back in the seat, look to my lap, and try to pretend that the last five seconds didn’t happen.

Aiden lets out a small chuckle. I sense he’s peering at me, but I’m too mortified to look up at him. He lifts my chin with his soft, gentle fingers. My eyes slowly meet with his, and my stomach flips as he tilts his head slightly and leans in without hesitation, kissing me tenderly. His lips are soft and sweet. I feel as though I’m tingling all over. It’s such a tender, affectionate kiss, and it takes me by surprise.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance