Page 15 of Trust Me

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I open the card, which is penned in very neat handwriting.

Miss Taylor,

Please accompany me to dinner on Friday night at five thirty. I’d like to pick you up and take you out as promised to apologize for my ‘moronic’ behavior yesterday. Please feel free to text me your address or, alternatively, from somewhere you would feel comfortable.

I look forward to seeing you again.


Smiling uncontrollably, I stare at the note in disbelief, especially where he references that I called him a moron. Then, I place the flowers on the side of my desk and check the water level.

“Ho-ly shit!” I mutter under my breath, but luckily no one’s around to hear me. The butterflies in my stomach flutter out of control.

I have to email Sarah.

To: Sarah Carlisle

From: Jenifer Taylor

Subject: Special delivery!

Hey Sez,

Looks like I have to say thanks to Chris. His ‘play it cool’ method worked. I received a special delivery of flowers in a gorgeous vase this morning from Aiden. It had a hand-written card attached to it saying he wants to pick me up for dinner on Friday.

First thought is wow, amazing, awesome, etc. Then the next thought, what do I wear? Is this a casual jeans event or an elegant dress affair? And the other thing… why pick me up? Why can’t I meet him somewhere? I mean, what if he’s a stalker or something? I don’t want him to know where I live if he’s a serial-killing, ax-murdering, God only knows what.

Yeah, I know I’m overthinking… right?

Taking a deep breath to try to calm my nerves, I glance up to greet the guys as they walk through the doors. “High five,” Tim yells like Borat as he walks past.

I laugh, shaking my head at him, and put my hand up in a high-five motion. The other guys all chuckle and carry on like normal co-workers do. They file through to the workshop, making as much noise as humanly possible. I roll my eyes, and once they leave my reception area, it’s quiet again.

I stare at the flowers and take note of their beauty. Aiden must have spent a fortune. My mood toward him shifts into something much softer, pleasurable even, that he went out of his way to buy me something so beautiful.

Time flies by as I get on with my daily routine. I stop abruptly in the middle of invoicing when I realize in my tizzy about worrying what to wear and why he should or shouldn’t pick me up, that I haven’t thanked Aiden for the flowers. I quickly pull my phone out of my handbag and open up a new message.

Jenifer: Thank you for the flowers. They are lovely, and you can pick me up from work.

No, I don’t want to get dressed at work. I delete it.

Jenifer: Thank you for the flowers. They’re so beautiful. I’ll see you Friday night, but may I suggest we meet somewhere rather than you picking me up? I’d feel more comfortable with that. If you let me know the place and time, I’ll be there. Jeni

Yep, that should do it—Send. I take a deep breath and tuck my phone back in my bag, trying not to get overly excited.

The twelve thirty alarm rings for lunch, and I get up and walk briskly to the kitchen before the guys arrive and take all the food. I open the refrigerator and grab my usual, then I bolt from the break room before the guys can get in here, but I’m too late. Tim slides in behind me, bringing his hand up to his mouth—it is tradition, after all—but he hesitates. I turn and look back at him, confused. “No kiss today, Timmy?”

“First of all, don’t call me Timmy, and secondly, you snapped at me yesterday. Just wanted to know if the gorgeous old Jeni is back or if the new grumpy Jeni is still around today.”

Poor Tim. I tilt my head toward him. “It’s the old Jeni, so go ahead.”

A smile lights his face, and he blows me a kiss. I smirk, reaching up and catching the invisible gesture.

A slight glimmer gleams in Tim’s eyes that I’ve never noticed before, but I ignore it and walk out of the room, shaking my head at our daily ritual. “Bye, Jeni,” they say in unison.

I laugh in response and take my lunch back to my desk so I can eat in peace and quiet. For once, the phone doesn’t ring, and I don’t have any customers come in either. My mind starts to wander to Aiden and his gorgeous face. I pick up my bag to get out my phone, and as I do, it beeps, telling me I have a message.

Aiden: I’m glad you liked the flowers. I chose them myself ;-p. I’d prefer to pick you up as I have a surprise for you. A chauffeured vehicle will arrive (anywhere you choose) at five-thirty on Friday evening. Please forward me an address. I look forward to seeing you.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance