Page 117 of Trust Me

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Aiden is then called to the stand. He tries to discredit the transfer and ‘with compliments’ slip calling them counterfeit, saying it was more than likely placed in his office for the detectives to find by the real culprit. It sounds plausible, but it also means, whoever is trying to frame Aiden is doing a damn good job of it.

The prosecutor tears into Aiden, and it’s fucking hard to watch and even harder to listen to as he completely discredits his character. After a long, draining interrogation, Aiden’s finally allowed to return to his seat. Though he looks anything but relieved. And I have to admit, I honestly have no clue how the jury is going to swing. Even with Jenson doing his best to tell the jury all the evidence in Aiden’s favor. It still doesn’t look good.

“This court is now adjourned for ten minutes while the prosecution and defense prepare their closing arguments,” the judge calls out.

“All rise,” the bailiff declares.

We stand as the judge exits the courtroom, and the prosecution and defense teams leave and walk toward their respective rooms. Aiden glances back at me completely defeated as they lead him away. He looks nervous and shaken, which is exactly how I’m feeling. This isn’t going in any way, shape, or form how we planned. The prosecution is tearing him apart. Honestly, I don’t know if I’ll be walking out of this courthouse with Aiden by my side today, and that thought scares the absolute hell out of me.

We make our way outside the courtroom to stretch our legs and get some fresh air. Sarah holds her arm around me as we walk with the rest of the family.

I’m completely numb.

I won’t be able to stand it if I lose him for the maximum of ten years. I can’t even fathom that theory right now. Though with the way shit is going in there, I might just have to face that possibility.

“It doesn’t look good, does it?” Killian asks no one in particular.

None of us answer as we stand huddled in silence as Niall joins us. “What are they saying?” Niall asks.

“Like you care,” Callie retorts, making us look away.

“I care. He’s your son,” Niall grunts.

Callie exhales in disgust. “He’s your son, too, Niall,” she huffs and storms away.

“That’s what I meant!” he calls out as Brielle and Killian follow their mother.

“I can’t stand this,” I mumble as Sarah tightens her arms around me.

“I could seriously strangle that little fucker, Matthew. I knew he was up to no good. I wish we could’ve found something on him, but he’s covered his tracks too well,” Daniel exclaims as we stand around and wait.

It is, after all, all we can do now.

The bailiff heads in, and we follow to hear their final closing statements.

“All rise, this session is now resumed.” The judge walks into the courtroom. “Be seated,” the bailiff announces stoically.

The prosecutor rises, walks to the middle of the courtroom and stands in front of the jury, and I zone out almost completely. He drones on and on, going through the same monotonous shit we’ve already heard throughout the trial, making me tune him out until his closing statement. “Embezzlement is a crime that should be punished accordingly. Thank you.”

My stomach turns somersaults, making me feel nauseous. I grip on to Sarah’s hand as Mike holds my other one. My breathing is shallow while my heart races so fast.

The tension in the room is palpable as Jenson stands for his final statement. “I would like to start by thanking Your Honor and the court staff on behalf of myself and my client. Mr. O’Connell is a family man. He thrives on working in the family business with his father, Niall O’Connell. I would like to point out to the jury that Niall O’Connell, the owner of O’Connell Finance, is here in the courtroom supporting his son today…” Jenson carries on talking up Aiden’s character, defending why he couldn’t possibly be guilty and finishes with, “Don’t let the crimes of someone else fall to Mr. O’Connell. We plead that you look at the evidence given. Thank you.”

I take a deep breath as Jenson sits next to Aiden. My leg agitates up and down as I try to keep myself composed when all I really want to do is scream my lungs out. Sarah gently rests her hand on my knee to stop it, and I put my hand over hers.

“We have heard both sides of this argument. The jury shall now to retire to consider their verdict. During this time, the jurors may not speak to anyone about the case, excluding other jury members. All discussions must take place in the jury room and when all jurors are present. This court is adjourned.”

“All rise,” the bailiff drawls.

We stand, and the judge walks out followed by the jury.

Aiden turns to face me, and he smiles as a policeman leads him out of the room.

My eyes feel heavy. Now, all we can do is wait.

Wait for a verdict as to whether I spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams, or whether he’ll spend ten long years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. I can’t help but feel weak and emotionally drained.

Aiden’s family steps over to Jenson. “Now we wait,” he instructs.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance