Page 114 of Trust Me

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Upon hearing the elevator chime, I sigh. Mike walks in and checks on me as he does every day. I’m sure Aiden’s told him to do so. “Miss Taylor, is there anything I can get you?” He walks over to the sofa where I’m currently sitting wrapped in a blanket, watching another episode of Stranger Things.

“No, thanks, Mike.” I snuggle into the blanket further.

I hear him exhale as he goes to leave. “Miss Taylor, I might be stepping over the boundaries here, but I know Aiden would love to see you. It’s been almost a week since you saw him last. I think it’ll do you good to get out of the apartment and into some fresh air,” he offers.

I close my eyes tightly. I want to see Aiden more than anything. It’s so hard to be apart from him. I’ve been selfish, but seeing him in there, knowing I can’t touch him, I can’t be with him, or help him in any way—it nearly broke me last time.

Mike exhales when I don’t respond, and he goes to leave. “Mike, wait!” I call out, and he turns around to see me facing him with a warm smile.

“Should I get the car?” I nod. “Very good, Miss Taylor. Meet me when you’re ready.” He strolls off to the elevator.

Slowly, I pull myself up from the sofa and move into the bedroom to get changed. I shuffle when I walk as I have hardly any energy nor strength—I guess that’s what I get for not eating, but I don’t care.

I don’t care about anything.

I haven’t since Aiden left, my life is in limbo.

Pulling on his sweatpants and his running shirt, I’m sure I look terrible, but I don’t have the energy to give one single fuck. I make my way to the parking garage where Mike’s waiting for me. Feeling slightly dizzy, I stumble when I try to get in the car, but luckily, Mike catches me.

“Thanks, Mike,” I whisper as he looks at me and frowns.

“You’re welcome, Miss Taylor. Would you like me to stop for some food on the way to the prison?”

The mere mention of food makes my stomach churn. I shake my head, and he sighs, closing the door of the car. My mind’s blank, and the trip seems to take forever. I feel numb, but I know I need to get my head in the right frame of mind to see Aiden. He needs me to be okay, for him to be okay, so I have to be as cool and strong as I can be. He can’t know I’m struggling. With a quick glance at me, Mike gets out to help me from the car. Taking my arm in his, and we walk to the prison gate where we are escorted to a large room with tables and chairs spaced sporadically, giving you a false sense of privacy.

Other people are there, waiting to see their loved ones. Mike leads me to a table, and we sit to wait patiently for Aiden to arrive. Just like we have many times before.

I was nervous the first time I came in here. Knowing I’m in the same room as criminals makes me a little uneasy. But, knowing that nothing happens in here other than people mingling and talking makes it a little easier to bear. A buzzer sounds, and the inmates walk in. I have my back to the door, so I don’t see Aiden as he enters the room.

Mike stands suddenly, drawing my attention upward, and I see Mike shaking Aiden’s hand. My breath catches when I see him. Aiden looks down at me, and he cringes as he shakes his head with disbelief.

“You’re meant to be taking care of her, Mike!” Aiden’s voice takes on a sternness I’ve never heard from him before as he checks over every inch of me.

Shit! I don’t think I look that bad… do I?

Mike sits with an exhale. Slowly, I stand as every emotion hits me. I’m nervous. I’m a little scared. I’m excited. But I’m so happy to be near Aiden as his eyes find mine. He looks just like I remember him—absolutely perfect. The only difference is his clothing, but his body, face, and demeanor are all the same. I mean, I have only been away from him for a week, but now that I’m here, it feels like a damn lifetime. What the hell was I thinking? I reach out for him. He takes me in his arms, even though he isn’t supposed to. Feeling that spark between us as he holds me, only makes this all the more painful.

The feeling of his skin on mine brings me back to reality. I look up at him through wet lashes. “I miss you.”

“Break it up you two!” a guard calls out, making my heart leap into my throat.

The last thing I want is for Aiden to get into any kind of trouble because of me, so regretfully, I let him go. His eyes assess me as he looks toward the table and moves to sit. I nod, and we take a seat, hands on top of the cold metal table, the chill sending a shudder right through me as he reaches across and takes my hand in his.

He really is pushing the rules today.

I guess I did leave it too long, and now he’s willing to take any risk to be with me in any way he can.

He tightens his grip on my hand, and I stare into his eyes lovingly.

God, I’ve missed him.

“I’ll give you a moment,” Mike offers, smiling, then he walks away.

My tear-soaked eyes look into Aiden’s, and he shakes his head. “I miss you, too, so much. I’ve been worried about you when you didn’t visit me. But I’m even more concerned now that you have. You need to eat. You have to look after yourself. You’re losing weight, and you’re pale. I’ve never seen you like this,” he chides honestly.

I bite my bottom lip. “I eat… I’m just worried. I want to help you, but I don’t know how,” I admit quietly.

He frowns and sighs. “Jeni, you have to stop stressing. I know Jenson will find something on Matthew and Rachelle to help me, and soon. He’s a damn fine lawyer, and I completely trust his ability to clear my name. If I’m not worried, then you shouldn’t be either. Please stop! I’ll be home in no time. Your anxiousness is not helping either of us one bit.” He’s trying to convince me, or himself, or both of us, though, I’m not sure it’s working.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance