Page 108 of Trust Me

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My heart jumps to my throat. It feels like it’s going to beat right out of my chest.

“Not guilty, Your Honor,” Jenson speaks.

The judge slams his gavel on the desk, the hit resounding through the room, echoing off the walls making this feel even more ominous if that’s even possible. “So be it. The defendant has entered a plea of not guilty. Due to this being such a high-profile case, the trial will be brought forward by the district attorney to commence in four weeks, starting on Thursday, the seventh of February at nine o’clock. A selection of twelve jurors will be called upon to bear witness to your trial. Even though you have set a plea of not guilty, I’m reluctant to grant bail due to the amount of money embezzled, and also the high profile attached to this case… therefore, I deem no bail to be set, and the defendant to remain in custody at the county jail until the trial on Thursday, the seventh of February.” He bangs his gavel loudly again.

With it, my whole body goes limp as gasps fill the room in shock.

No bail?

Tears fill my eyes as I realize the man I love is going to jail.

He’s a strong, independent businessman—he’s not made for a jail cell.

How will he cope in a place like that?

How will he adjust from a penthouse apartment to a jail cell that has your bed and latrine in the same damn space?

He’s not precious, I know that. But this will be a culture shock for him, one he doesn’t fucking deserve. He’s stronger than anyone I know—he can hold his own—but I can’t stand the thought of him being in jail when he’s so obviously incapable of doing what they say he’s done. I try to blink away the tears that form in my eyes—I need to remain strong—for Aiden.

“All rise,” the bailiff calls out.

We stand as the judge exits the courtroom. Callie softly weeps as Aiden turns around to look at his family and friends. His somber eyes meet mine as he mouths, ‘I love you.’

‘I love you, too,’ I mouth back to him as he’s escorted out of the courtroom.

My entire body goes numb, feeling completely deadweight. My legs give out as he leaves in handcuffs, and I fall back onto the bench, utterly bereft. Sarah sits with me as I try to regain my composure, taking in some deep steadying breaths.

Aiden’s gone.

And, this might only just be the start of a much longer sentence.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Eventually, I find the strength to stand as Sarah takes my hand, and we walk out and onto the street. My emotions run a fierce battle within me as I try to get my head straight.

“I’m so sorry,” Sarah declares as we reach the curb.

My eyes flood with tears. I can’t speak as words fail me as I open my mouth and close it again.

Callie walks toward me extending her arms in a gesture for a hug. I open mine and welcome her warm embrace. We stand, holding each other as she softly sheds tears for the man we both love.

Jenson storms from the courthouse, and Callie lets me go as he approaches. “Miss Taylor, Aiden is allowed one visitor tomorrow at ten. He would like that visitor to be you. Will you come to the jail to see him?”

Everyone looks at me intently. I stare at Jenson blankly while I try to function enough to answer. Sarah takes hold of my hand once more. “She’ll be there,” Sarah talks for me.

Jenson studies me for confirmation, and I nod in agreement as Chris rubs my back in a comforting gesture.

Mike steps forward. “I’ll take you there myself, Miss Taylor.”

I nod again, still not managing the strength to find any words. I think I may be in shock.

Jenson looks at me intently. “Miss Taylor, Aiden needs your support. If you aren’t able to provide it, then I suggest we let someone else visit him.”

I furrow my brows.

How dare he judge me like this!

I know I need to say something, and words don’t fail me this time. “Mr. Monroe, I’m quite capable of visiting Aiden. He asked for me, and I’ll be there to support him. I don’t need you lecturing me about what I should or should not do. You don’t even know me or what I’m capable of. Who hired you anyway, you arrogant son of a—”

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance