Page 104 of Trust Me

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I can’t think straight as Aiden’s roughly led out of his office by one of the policemen. “I didn’t do this, Father! How can you think that I’d do this to you and our company? You know me. Jeni, I didn’t do this,” Aiden states categorically.

My eyes fill with tears, and they spill over onto my cheek as my hand shoots to my mouth in shock at Aiden’s sheer desperation. He struggles against the policemen trying to break free.

“Jeni, I didn’t do this. I swear.” He panics.

The policemen grip him harder as hot, salty tears run down my cheeks and onto my top. I peer over at Matthew as Aiden’s forcefully escorted to the elevator.

My heart is breaking, shattering inside my chest. I have no idea what the hell is going on other than Aiden has been arrested for a serious crime. A sudden wash of anger floods my veins—anger over what, I’m not quite sure.

Rachelle walks over to me. “Are you okay?”

A loud sob expels from my mouth, followed by another and another. I can’t control them as I look up to see Matthew smirking. The asshole’s actually taking pleasure in all this chaos. So, I point at him. “That’s right, you fucking jerk. It couldn’t work out better for you, could it? Aiden’s arrested for embezzlement leaving you to fill the vice president’s chair,” I scream at Matthew, who looks at me, huffs, then exits Aiden’s office like the weasel he is.

Rachelle attempts to comfort me as my thoughts run a million miles an hour in a hundred different directions.

Did Aiden do this?

He must have. Or, at least, they have found evidence leading to him.

But how could he do this?

To his family, to me—it makes no sense.

I’m so confused.

Maybe I was stupid to trust him, but I honestly can’t bring myself to imagine him doing this. He’s one of the most honest people I know. I’m dizzy as a cold sweat invades every inch of my skin. My heart pounds so loud I can hear it in my ears as the tears continue to roll down my cheeks, and I do nothing to stop them.

Rachelle leads me over to the sofa and sits me down. “I know this is hard for you, but you have to be strong. He needs your support now more than ever.”

The pounding in my ears is so damn loud I can barely hear what she’s saying, and to be honest, I don’t care what she has to say. Aiden could be a criminal, but through the despair and frustration, anger appears—anger at me, anger at Aiden, anger at Matthew—I frankly don’t know who to be more enraged with.

Rachelle leaves to fetch me a glass of water. Somehow, I find the strength to stand and walk to the door where I overhear talking, so I peer through the office window.

“Are you sure this will work?” Rachelle asks Matthew, and I furrow my brows.

“It already has.” He laughs as he takes Rachelle into his arms and kisses her.

I wonder what the hell they’re talking about, but my head’s a mess, and I can’t think straight. After a few seconds, I stumble out of the office and to my desk. Upon seeing me, they instantly let go of each other, and Matthew casually walks back into his office, but the strut leaves me wondering.

Quickly, I gather my handbag and head to the elevator pulling out my phone as I step in.

I dial Sarah’s number. “Hello, stranger, how’s the new job going?” she asks chirpily. I can’t contain myself upon hearing her voice and burst into tears again. “Jeni? Oh, Jeni… what’s wrong?”

“Can you meet me at the police station?” I manage to ask through my whimpering.

I hear her gasp. “Jesus, what’s going on? Are you okay?”

I can’t find the strength to say anything else, so I simply end the call. The elevator makes its way to the ground level, opening its doors to the main foyer where the receptionists are in full crisis mode. Walking briskly, I step over to the main entrance, out the door, and down the stairs to the underground parking garage.

Mike’s chatting with some other men as I walk up and hug him tightly. “Miss Taylor, are you okay? Did Niall upset you?”

He obviously hasn’t heard the news yet, so I look up at him full of fear and hurt. “Aiden’s been arrested. Can you take me to the police station, please?”

His eyes open wide as he gasps. “Fuck! On what grounds?”


He takes my arm, leading me to the car, and we exit the parking garage at lightning speed.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance