Page 73 of Mistakes

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Antonio approached him and slapped him on the shoulder. “You keep on believing that, buddy. I know the truth. I’ve known you for years, and you want to slit my throat. It’s fine, but maybe you need to know what it is you want first, before you ask people to do this.”

“Alex is a slut.”

“I don’t think she is. If so, then I’m not the kind of man she goes for. We all know the ladies drop their panties for me.”

Roman couldn’t help but look at Antonio’s neck and think how good it would look oozing with blood.

“You know that murderous rage you’re feeling right now? That’s not what a guy who wants to have other men sleep with his wife should feel like.” Antonio winked at him and left to rejoin the party.

Running a hand down his face, he attempted to clear his mind. Tonight was not going well.

He was running on only a couple of hours of sleep, and to be frank, he was exhausted. For the last three days, he’d been chasing a goddamn rat, one who wanted to trade their secrets for money and a safe life. It was one of their science nerds, and so far, the son of a bitch hadn’t made it out of the city. The fucker had been able to make it another day. If it wasn’t for his father telling him he had to be here tonight, he would’ve still been hunting him.

Maybe what he needed to do was stay close to home and make sure his wife fell into the traps he’d set.

So far, she had proven him wrong, and he didn’t like that.

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