Page 81 of Don’t Tempt Me

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I shove my hands in my pockets and bow my head.

“It’s true. You are who you are—it’s not something less than me or anyone else in the Family. That’s why I convinced Pops to send you to college—I knew you had gifts in areas we didn’t. And it takes a team, Joey. It takes all of our skills.

“I don’t want to run this organization without you, but if you want a change of duties, you got it. You want to just be the business accountant, that’s fine. You’re great at it. Who knows what wizardry you can pull? I know we’re better, safer, and more secure as a family because of you. You’ve brought diversity to us. No one can take us down without the world financial markets falling apart. Whatever makes you happy is okay by me.”

I gape, scarcely believing my ears.

“What? Don’t look so shocked. You’re my baby brother. You think there’s anything I wouldn’t do for you?”

My eyes burn as I embrace my brother with several claps on the back. “Thank you.” The words don’t come close to expressing my gratitude.

“Now go on, you’re giving me a fucking headache. Go and take care of your beautiful bride out there. She’s perfect for you.”


Two months later


“I know what you think, Nancy. You think I’m not good enough for your daughter.” I finally cornered Sophie’s mother, who timed her flight in for our wedding, so she would arrive right before the wedding rehearsal. Clearly she wants as little to do with the Family as possible.

“You’re right—I’m not. But I can promise you I will take very good care of her.”

Nancy looks away, scanning the family members milling around the private room at L’amore with wine glasses and hors d'oeuvres before the rehearsal dinner, probably looking for a rescue from her husband. Her eyes are the same cash green as Sophie’s but with paler skin and hair, they’re not as striking. Still, her beauty has held over the years, which tells me my wife will be just as hot at sixty as she is at twenty-seven, not that I had any doubt.

“I’ve taken a step back from the organization. Did she tell you that?”

Nancy drags her eyes back to my face. “I’m sure she believes that.”

“It’s the truth. Listen...I’m sorry Artie broke your heart—”

Sophie’s mom sucks in a sharp breath.

“—but it’s not going to be that way for Sophie. I have legitimate investments we can live on, and I have most of Al’s business flipped into legal business dealings. I love your daughter, Nancy. I love her. And I’m going to work every day to make her happy.”

Nancy stares at me. Her expression is no longer as closed as it was when I started, but she still frowns.

From across the room, Sophie spots us and leaves her friend Sereva to make a beeline over, a worried crease between her brows. She looks stunning in a new designer dress she chose last week in New York when we went to pick up the blue opal tiara I bought as a wedding present. One of many.

I draw her against my body when she arrives, trying to absorb the anxiety that had built around her mom’s arrival. I already gave her three orgasms today to calm her nerves.

“I was just vowing to your mom I will keep you happy.”

Sophie’s hand slips to her abdomen, still visibly flat, but full of the promise of a fourteen-week-old fetus.

Her mother doesn’t miss the gesture. “Are you pregnant?” she gasps. “Is that why—?”

“I’m marrying Joey because I love him.” I’m warmed by her staunch defense of me. “He’s the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

“She wouldn’t have me at first, you know,” I tell her. “She didn’t want to suffer the way you did.”

Nancy’s mouth opens and closes without speaking.

“I had to work hard to convince her I was worthy.”

“Joey—” Sophie protests.

“I don’t want you to think she entered this lightly or hasn’t thought it through. She’ll be holding me to a standard, and I intend to meet it.” I wink at Sophie, and she melts into me.

Tags: Renee Rose Erotic