Page 62 of Don’t Tempt Me

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“I want more on the Matrangas. Everything you’ve got.”

“You know I can’t do that. But I’ll see what information I can part with.”

“Everything you’ve got,” I repeat. “Earn your fucking keep.”

Ned cracks a half-smile. “I’m no use to you if I lose my job.” He walks back to his car without saying goodbye.

I grunt because he’s right.

I hate not knowing the full picture, though. What’s going on with the Matrangas. If I’m going to advise Al on the situation, I need more facts.

I climb in my car and text Al to meet me at Angelo’s.



My new engagement ring catches the sunlight, sending a rainbow of sparkles across the dash of my car. It’s beautiful—a diamond nestled between two wide bands of blue opal set in yellow gold. It’s perfect—artsy, unique and exquisite. Joey wanted me to be with him to pick it out, but he was the one who spotted it, proving he paid attention.

I love that about him. I’ve never felt so seen with a man. So cared for.

It was too much at first. It contributed to the sensation of him coming on too strong. Of being too dominant. Too strong-willed. Too…everything.

But the truth is, he’s perfect. He is everything.

And while I hated the fact that he is a LaTorre, now I’m wondering if maybe that’s exactly why fate threw us together. He’s the antidote to the wounds I sustained growing up in the Family. Yes, he’s dangerous. Tough. A bulldozer when he wants something. But he’s also attuned to my needs, chivalrous, and protective.

I believe he’d do anything for me, and now that I’m pregnant, that’s important.

The baby changes everything. It’s not just about me anymore. I have to think about what’s best for our child. And while I wouldn’t have said I would want a child to grow up in the Family the way I did, I think Joey will make it work better.

Or maybe that’s just the story I’m selling to myself because I want Joey. I don’t want to have this baby on my own, nor do I even think a man like Joey would let me.

The last two weeks have been pure bliss. Joey’s spent the night every night. Brought me food or cooked. Pampered me. Made me a doctor’s appointment and got me on a better health insurance policy.

He wants me to move into his apartment, but I’ve resisted. Maybe I’m being stubborn, but I don’t want to fit into his life. I want him to fit into mine. He hasn’t argued, but I’m sure he’ll maneuver me into something else.

He’s very good at that.

We haven’t announced our engagement yet. I told Sereva, but I haven’t figured out how to tell my mom.

I know she will freak out about Joey. She will probably never, ever approve, which makes it hard. I asked Joey to hold off telling his family until I’ve talked to my mom, but since I keep putting it off, that hasn’t happened.

Which makes things awkward, since I’m on my way to Carmen’s for a baby shower for one of the wives, and chances are good someone will notice the ring, and then the news will be public.

I had sort of hoped Joey would be at my side when we announced things. But I can’t expect him to shield me. I’m back in the fold now, and I’ll have to make a place for myself with these women on my own.

I enter Carmen’s house to find the gathering of women in the kitchen. “Come on in, Sophie. We have mimosas and Bloody Mary’s or just juice in the kitchen.”

I set my gift down on the gift table and head into the kitchen for some juice. Summer and the twins, Janine and Juliana, are there, along with their dad’s fiance, Lexi.

Carmen notices the ring immediately and gasps, “Are you engaged?”

“Um. Yeah.”

“To whom?” Donna Teresa cut in.

I swear, every woman in the room turns to look at her. I shift on my feet. “To Joey,” I mumble.

Tags: Renee Rose Erotic