Page 52 of Don’t Tempt Me

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I can’t decide if I’m scared or nervous about my punishment. Both, I think. Energy sparks between us as Joey walks me into the townhouse. As soon as we’re inside, he fists the back of my hair and claims my mouth with a hard kiss.

As if the kiss was a warning, or a punishment, he says, “Don’t ever put yourself at risk like that again,” when he breaks it.

“I won’t.”

He walks me backward, toward the bedroom. “How do you think this punishment should go, babygirl?”

My heart hammers in my chest. I know he’s asking for my limits. Or my desires. Joey may be aggressive, but he’d never hurt me. Or, at least, only the way I like it.

But, of course, I don’t want to be in charge. That’s the whole point. Surrendering control. Letting him call the shots. That’s what makes my knees go weak and my pussy get wet. So I ask a question. “Are you going to use the paddle?”

He smirks. “I’ll let youfeelthe paddle, baby. Just a taste.” We arrive in the bedroom, and he divests me of my jacket then my top. “But first, I need you naked.”

I shiver as he unclasps my bra and slides it off my arms.

“Take off the rest.” There’s dark promise in his words. Silk and iron. I want it all.

I strip out of my jeans and panties and stand naked in front of him.

His lids droop. The bulge in his expensive slacks tells me he loves what he’s looking at. “Now, it’s time to bend you over the bed.”

He steps close, and his hands settle on my waist. He pulls me against him and kisses me again. “Thank you for telling your mom about me,” he murmurs. His hand tangles in my hair, and he tugs my head back and kisses down the side of my throat. “That was really fucking sweet of you,” he says between kisses. When he reaches my shoulder, he bites it.

I’m trembling. Sighing. Already a live wire. One touch between my legs, and I’d probably orgasm.

He gathers my wrists behind my back and uses them to turn me around and fold me over the bed. I hear the rustle of fabric, and something silky winds around my wrists–must be his tie. As soon as it’s fastened, he slaps one side of my ass. “Good girl.” He rubs away the sting he just inflicted.

“It’s nice when you stop fighting me.”

I know he’s talking bigger picture, not this sex scene. I’ve had my defenses up against his charm, his generosity, his attention from the start.

I blamed him in part for my dad’s death.

But now that’s fallen away.

That doesn’t mean I’m ready to commit long term to this guy. He still belongs to a lifestyle I don’t want. He lives a life of danger. I grew up with that. I’m not signing up for another round.

But it’s true that he’s getting harder and harder to resist.

One by one, he’s blasting through my barriers and barricades.

I don’t even know if I’m capable of turning away from him now. He’s bulldozed his way into my life and set up shop like he plans to stay.

He gives the other side of my ass a slap and squeezes it roughly. I wiggle my hips for more. He takes the hint. Clasping my bound hands in his, he starts spanking me in earnest, laying down hard, steady slaps on one side, then the other, until I’m dancing with the heat and burn.

When he stops to rub, his fingers brush between my legs, teasing my outer folds and making me arch my back for more.

“Let’s see what you think of this paddle you bought me.” Joey leaves my side and rummages in the drawer where I put the paddle and the butt plug and lube. He returns with both. He stands behind me, flipping the paddle over in his hands, testing its weight. Driving me crazy with anticipation.

He rests it across my buttocks like he’s lining it up, then draws back and swings.

Ow. It’s thuddy. Way different from his hand–the pain goes deep.

I let out a whimper.

“Are you going to be a good girl, or do I need to give you another?”

“I’m good!” I choke, and he chuckles.

Tags: Renee Rose Erotic