Page 50 of Don’t Tempt Me

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Still weeping, I reach across the table and close my hand over the top of Pauly’s large knuckles.


“Sophie?” I bang on her door again and curse. My gut already tells me she’s not there. And I fear I know exactly where she is.

Dear God, let her not do something crazy. I remember the pistol I left for her and want to punch my own teeth out. If she took that gun and Pauly sees she’s packing…well, I have no doubt who would win any battle between them.

I get in my car and peel out. I make a quick sign of the cross.Mary, Queen of Peace, please let her be unharmed. Please don’t let her do something stupid. Don’t let her get herself killed. Please.

I arrive at Pauly’s in record time and jump out, running to the front door. I pound on the wood with my fist, my heart in my throat. I wait only five seconds before I circle around to the back and bang on the kitchen door.

Pauly opens it and takes in my expression of doom. “First Sophie, now you knocking on my door, huh?”

I can’t breathe.

“Come in. It’s all right—she hasn’t shot me yet.”

Oh, thank fuck.

I follow Pauly in and literally sag against the wall with relief at the sight of Sophie. She’s sitting at the table, her eyes and nose red, used tissues balled up all around her, but very much alive. Relaxed, even.

“We’re just talking.” Pauly’s voice is warm.

“Hey, Joey.” She stands, and I snatch her up into my arms.

“It’s okay. Everything’s okay. Pauly told me what happened.”

“He did?” I see the handle of my pistol poking out from her jacket pocket, and I whisk it away to remove the bullets with one hand. “You scared the shit out of me.” I tuck the pistol in my waist band and massage the back of her head.

I’m still recovering. My heartbeat still marching too fast.

“I’m sorry. I know. I’m sorry.”

“I’ll take you home.”

“My car is here. But I was just leaving.”

“I’m taking you,” I growl.

“Okay, bossman.” Sophie pulls away from me to hug Pauly as if something meaningful passed between them. “Thanks, Uncle Pauly.” She kisses both his cheeks then hugs him again.

He gives her an awkward pat on the back but appears pleased.

“I’ll be right behind you,” I tell her.

When the door shuts behind her, I blow out my breath and eye Pauly warily. “I didn’t tell her. I swear to you, Pauly.” I run a hand through my hair. “But it’s my fault she put it together.”

Pauly looks at me and shrugs. “It’s okay. I’m glad she came over,” he admits. “Her old man’s ghost is the one that haunts me the most, you know?”

“It was an accident, Pauly.”

Pauly nods. “Yeah, I think she might understand that.” He glances at the door Sophie just went out. He looks at me with grim assessment, and I stand tall for it. “So what are your intentions with her?” he demands.

Unexpected. Unexpected, but damn sweet. I love that Pauly’s looking out for Sophie.

I keep my expression solemn. “I’m totally serious about her. She’s not that serious about me, yet, but I’m working on it.”

“Yeah?” He narrows his eyes. “Are you good to her?”

Tags: Renee Rose Erotic