Page 32 of Don’t Tempt Me

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Cristo. “Soph…of course. No, I wasn’t mad.” I shake my head. “I…get aggressive, but I’m not an asshole.” My chest feels too tight. “Were you scared? I thought you wanted it.”

I’m relieved when she immediately shakes her head. “No, I wasn’t scared.” She swallows like she’s still nervous. That’s when I finally pick up what she’s putting down.

“You liked it.”

She nods.

“A lot.”

A minuscule shrug. She’s so fucking cute. Who knew a few slaps on her ass would be what won her over?

“I got jealous, babygirl. I feel possessive of you, and it got my blood up. I saw my aggression turned you on, and I went with it.”

She watches me with those pale green eyes, and damn if I don’t love the way she’s looking. Like I have something to offer her. Something she wants.

Something she’s still too shy to ask for.

We finish dinner, and she serves chocolate ice cream in little sundae dishes for dessert. I watch the way she sucks on her spoon, remembering the feel of those full lips teasing my cock.

“You liked your spanking. Was that it?” I probe. “You want more?”

Her face flushes, making her pale green eyes stand out against the pink. She scrapes the bottom of her sundae dish scrupulously then shrugs. “I don’t know. No.”

I stand and take the sundae dish out of her hand as I pull her to stand. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I hold her close, lowering my face to hers, so we stand nose to nose. “Did you forget,” I ask softly, “there are consequences for lying to me?”

The pink returns to her cheeks, and her lips part, but no sound escapes. I lower my head to brush them lightly. “Tell me what you liked,” I coax.

She stares up at me, frozen for a long moment. “I liked the idea of you spanking me, maybe,” she admits at last. “Or...maybe just the dominance. But that doesn’t mean I want a dominant man.”

I laugh. “You don’t want to give me any footing, here. I get it. I know dominating you would be a privilege I’d have to earn.”

She looks up with a mixture of surprise and gratitude on her face.

I cup her chin and kiss her, exploring their softness with my own. “I do intend to earn it,” I say in a low voice.


Joey helps me wash the dishes and clean up from dinner, and he pours us more wine then takes my hand and leads me to the bedroom. My heart races in anticipation. He doesn’t seem particularly rough or aggressive right now, but I told him what I wanted. I feel certain he’s going to deliver it. He’s so tuned in and misses nothing. Even things I’m afraid to see.

I’m already worried I bit off more than I can chew.

To add to the anticipation, Joey doesn’t say a word. He doesn’t kiss me or finesse me. He simply starts to undress me, tugging my top over my head. Unclasping my bra. There’s a dark intensity to him. The promise of pain or punishment, but also pleasure.

He slides my skirt and panties down my hips, and they drop to the floor, so I’m standing in front of him fully naked, and he’s fully dressed. There’s no mistaking the power dynamic. He’s in charge. I’m bared to him.

Every nerve in my body dances, listening for what’s going to happen next. There’s a slow, insistent pulse between my legs.

Joey sits on the edge of the bed and tugs me between his knees. He kisses between my breasts and massages my ass. Sucks one nipple into his mouth. I shift from foot to foot—so aware of how bare I am. That he is taking all of me in—turned on and impatient for more.

Then he gives it to me. He tugs my torso down onto the bed, so I’m lying across one of his knees. The first few smacks he delivers to my ass are slow with squeezing and rubbing in between. I moan, pushing my ass out, dying for more. He responds by wrapping an arm around my waist and spanking me harder. I yelp, hating it at first, but I don’t tell him to stop. After a moment, I adjust to the sting. My flesh warms, and the shock goes away. The slaps become welcome. Pleasurable, even. The nerve endings between my legs register it all as sex. As foreplay. As stimulation.

I can’t stop the little gasps and cries from escaping my lips, and I don’t want him to stop. The pain increases—my butt heating, each new strike coming as a new sting. I start to wriggle, wanting more. Wanting less. The sensations taking over all my mental faculties.

Joey stops and rubs my ass. “Good girl,” he murmurs.

I wouldn’t think I’d love to hear those words from him, but they only further ignite my excitement. I grind my hips on his lap wantonly. I need release, desperately.

Joey runs his large, warm hand over my heated ass, sliding it down one thigh, then back up again, seemingly without agenda.

Tags: Renee Rose Erotic