Page 3 of Don’t Tempt Me

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“I will try. Come on back.”

While I’m not thrilled about interacting with any member of the LaTorre family, at least I know how to fulfill this request. They’re not trying to suck me back into the fold or tangle me in their crime web.

Maybe if I weren’t afraid of offending him, if I had the guts my mom did when she pulled me out, I’d tell him I want nothing to do with him or his family. But not only do I not want to piss off the LaTorre family, I need the money.

He’ll probably leave a huge tip, which I could definitely use, since I can’t make ends meet being self-employed like this.

I lead him to my tiny treatment room. “Have a seat.”

His large frame and even larger presence fill the room, making it feel even smaller. He looks around in surprise, and I point to the chair up against the wall, taking a seat in the one beside it with my clipboard.

“If you could just fill this out for me…”

He makes no move to take the clipboard. “Soph, I just want to get on your table. Can we skip the paperwork?”

I don’t know why my nipples get hard because I’m fuming inside. Of course, he comes in and bosses me around. These guys make their own rules–that’s how it’s always been.

I flush, my heart thudding against my chest as if he pointed a gun at me rather than embarrassed me.

“Sure. Okay.” I stand. “Take your clothes off and lie face down on the table. I’ll go wash my hands.” I escape the room, sucking in deep breaths as soon as I’m outside, as if he’d taken up all the oxygen in the room.

Beautiful devil.

I don’t know why I find him so attractive. Scratch that–I do know why. He’s panty-melting hot. Tall and muscular with broad shoulders and a square jaw. He even has one of those dimples in the middle of his chin.

But I shouldn’t find that alpha male macho thing such a turn-on. It offends me. He’s not my type at all.

Personal attraction aside, I don’t like rekindling any kind of relationship with my father’s former employers. It makes me downright queasy.

I wash my hands and give Joey a few minutes before tapping on the door and pushing it open.


Joey followed my directions and lay face down on the table, but he’son top of both sheets.

Which means I now have a full, unfettered view of his entire, very naked, backside. The man is pure thoroughbred with more sculpted muscle than Michaelangelo’s David.

He lifts his head to look at me. “What?”

I’m suddenly overcome by the need to giggle. “You, um…” I try to hold it in. “You were supposed to get between the two sheets.” I reach for the door handle to retreat again. “I’ll give you another–oh.”

He swings his long legs off the table and stands, giving me a full frontal view now.

“Joey!” I choke and turn my back, but not before the sight of his body’s Adonis-like sculpted beauty is forever branded on my mind.

Holy…um…wow. Just…yeah. Oh my. He’s the finest specimen of manhood I’ve ever seen.

“Sorry,” he mutters. “I don’t know how this works.”

“No, I’m sorry,” I say quickly, although I’m not even sure what I’m sorry for. I’m definitely more embarrassed than he is.

I wait until the sound of his movements have quieted, then turn around and straighten the sheet over him.

“Would you like to listen to music?” I ask, although it’s hard to imagine he’d be into my usual meditative flute and chant fare.

“Yeah, sure. Whatever you usually do.” His voice reverberates around the small room, the rich tones over-filling it the same way his presence does.

After turning on the music, I fold the sheet down to his waist and drink in the sight of his sculpted, naked torso as I dispense lavender-scented jojoba oil into my hands.

Tags: Renee Rose Erotic