Page 19 of Don’t Tempt Me

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I look around. I missed inspecting the place when I picked her up because I was too busy inspecting her. It’s small but comfortable—filled with plants and colorful artwork. She pulls off her shoes and drops them against the wall by the door.

“What bothers you about me, anyway?” I push, staying in her personal space.

Her cheeks flush as she looks up. “You’re just too much man for me, that’s all. I couldn’t handle you.”

I cradle her face with one hand, running my thumb over her cheekbone. “You handled me just fine yesterday.”

Her eyes dilate.

I lower my gaze and bring the back of my forefinger to the place her nipple protrudes through her bra and blouse and rub over it.

She sucks in her breath but doesn’t pull away. I trace a fingertip up her throat and under her chin, watching as her head falls backward. I cup her nape and lower my head, moving slowly to kiss her throat, giving her ample time to refuse it, if she chooses.

She doesn’t. I can see her frantic pulse beating under her jawline, and I brush my lips there first, traveling lower to nip at her neck and still lower to kiss her collarbone.

“Sophie.” I run my hands down her back and squeeze her shapely ass. “I’ll be gentle this time…unless you like it rough.”

“No,” she gasps, leaning into me, her body pressing against mine as her head falls further back and her arms clutch my shoulders.

“No to which part?” I knead her ass with one hand while the other returns to the back of her neck as I nibble at her ear, kissing along her jaw, and suckling her neck. She moans and grasps my head, pulling my mouth toward hers. My cock goes rock hard at the invitation. I claim her mouth, sucking her lower lip between my teeth, pulling her against my body. She shocks me by climbing onto me, lifting one knee to my waist for me to catch, then mounting me with both legs around my waist, never releasing the kiss.

I slide my forearm under her ass and walk down her hallway in search of the bedroom. I find it easily and don’t bother with the lights. The moment I put her down, she pulls off her clothes, so I unbutton my shirt and tear it off. Her hands on my zipper throw me over the edge, and I pick her up by the waist and toss her onto the bed, pouncing on her the moment she lands.

“Joey!” she gasps.

The sound of my name on her lips makes me shudder with pleasure. I flick my tongue over her erect nipple while pinching the other between two fingers. She arches into me, wriggling her hips and wrapping one long leg around my waist.

I want to slow down. To give it to her with more finesse this time. To stop and enjoy the moment. But the chemistry between us is off the charts. I’m already feverish with lust. To distract myself and make sure it’s good for her, I part her thighs, licking into the succulent folds of her pussy.

She winds her fingers in my hair and pulls. “Oh God!”

I swirl my tongue around her clit before penetrating her with it and pulling back to flick her sensitive folds. I slide two fingers inside her, curling them to feel her inner wall, searching for her g-spot.Bingo.The little button of tissue stiffens and wrinkles under my fingers, and she cries out, squirming frantically.

When I pump my fingers in and out, she bucks up from the bed and screams, her core clenching around my fingers and her legs clamping around my shoulders. “That’s it,bella.Come all over my fingers.”

She squeezes some more, her soft belly shuddering with her release. I ease my fingers out and kiss her inner thigh. Her face is flushed, her hair wild around her head.

“You’re beautiful when you come.”

She laughs and blinks at me like she can’t believe what just happened.

I finish kicking off my clothes, find a condom, and climb over her. “Now I want to see what you look like when you come all over my dick.”



I wake to find a man sleeping next to me. A very hot man.

I can’t believe Joey spent the night. I really thought he’d be more of the “hit and run” type. He seems like a player.

I drink in the sight of him. He’s a completely foreign presence in my bed. His chiseled features aren’t softened by sleep—the jaw and nose are still strong, the lips a soft, inviting counterpoint. He sleeps on top of the sheets in his boxer briefs, and his body is like that of a prize fighter—all muscle.

All I can think is:Joey LaTorre is a real man.That doesn’t mean I’m going to get involved with him. But damn, since I’ve agreed to two more dates with him, I might as well make the most of it.

He is so worth a torrid fling.

I spent all my dating years avoiding men like him, men like my dad—aggressive men. Cocky, self-assured, macho men. Alpha men. Now I realize, it may have been at the cost of satisfying sex. Because I just had the best orgasms of my life. It’s not just his technique, it’s everything about him—the toxic masculinity, the powerful persona.

Tags: Renee Rose Erotic