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What I wanted to do was go straight to Connor. But I knew Kaya was the pressing issue, so I went to Gabe's office first. Surprisingly, his office was open and Saff was sitting on the corner of her brother's desk, long legs dangling, barely touching the floor. And Gabe was… what?

Playing darts.

Saff leaned forward and rolled several darts between her fingers.

Gabe muttered, "I can feel you staring. It's distracting."

"Who me?” Saff asked innocently. “I'm not doing anything. You said you were stressed out and needed a game. I brought you the game, and now you don't like it because you're losing."

"I'mnotlosing. This is strategy."

Saff rolled her eyes and flicked some of her braids over her shoulder. That was when she saw me. She waved at me with a wide grin. "Hey, Saint."

She said my name just as Gabe fired a dart, going just wide of his likely target.

He cursed under his breath. "See? You're distracting me."

She rolled her eyes and hopped down. "Fine. I'm going to take a picture of this just in case you pull the darts out before we reconvene."

"We don't need to reconvene. Aren’t we working?"

"Oh no, we're going to finish this game. And I can't have you pretending that you didn't know where your darts were."

Saff took a picture and then sauntered out.

I did like her a lot. God, she was good for King. Just the kind of anchor he needed.

"What do you want?"

Saff wasn't kidding. Gabe was grumpy about something, and he was about to get a whole hell of a lot grumpier. "I wanted to talk to you about the Kaya Reynolds situation."

"The fire? Yeah, I saw that. I have someone looking into it. Luckily, she wasn't there. Do you have information on why she was at All Saints Tech?"

I winced. "Would you believe she was looking for Lohman?"

“The fuck, how did she connect you two?"

“She caught me in Lohman’s greenroom at the auction and I had to improvise. She’s a sharp one and didn’t buy the ruse.”

Gabe’s eyes narrowed on me. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it your job to sell the lie?”

My lips still burned with the imprint of hers. Oh, I’d sold it.

“She was at All Saints trying to get information on me. I chased her. She ran. And then this funny thing happened. A couple of goons tried to snatch her off the street. When I got in the way, they tried to shoot me and run me over."

Gabe eased into the chair behind the massive oak desk. "I saw the report, the recovery team hasn’t pulled anything back yet. She give any indication as to why she’s a target?"

"No, but the distinct impression I got was that they were aiming totakeher, not to hurt her. I shrugged. "I don't know. All I know is that she's in trouble. A lot of it. She needs more coverage than just bodyguards. She needs public coverage."

Gabe rubbed his jaw. "We don't know anything about her. We're not bringing her to Rogues."

"No, I'm not talking about that. She needs powerful coverage, but she's the kind of girl who will take off. If you don't want her in the wind, I have an idea."

Gabe sat back and rubbed his jaw. "Why do I get the impression you’re about to pitch me a very bad idea."

"She needs public protection from someone powerful enough to make it stick. Someone Lohman and Igno and the lot is not going to touch. Or at least think twice about."

"Okay, but these are men who aren’t afraid of a lot of people."

Tags: Nana Malone Gentlemen Rogues Romance