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I eased her down gently off me and away from my dick before I could do something I was going to regret."Before we have cake, you have a present that I want you to see.

"Before the cake? Oh my God, is that a strawberry cake?"

"Yes, it is."

"Can I have one piece first?"

I laughed. "Yes, it's your birthday. Go ahead."

She cut herself a slice and grabbed two forks, handing me one. Then she cut a bite, but instead of shoving it in her mouth she moved toward me.

"Oh God, what are you doing?"

"Well, I have been in danger. You should probably taste this for me."

"I'll taste anything you want. Is there somewhere in particular you want me to put that frosting?"

I could seeher skin flush pink. "I might have a couple of ideas."

"Excellent. Hold that thought." I took the fork from her and gently shoved it in her direction. When she wrapped her mouth around the fork, I swear to God I could feel the pre cum leaking out of the tip of my dick.Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.I was never going to make it.

I took her hand and tugged her down toward the bedrooms.

"Oh God, okay. I didn't know we were already going to do this, but let's do it."

I turned to her. "That's not what I'm doing. I swear."

I walked down to her bedroom on the left side of the hall. I opened the door, hit the lights, and waited. Kaya frowned for a moment, but then her breath hitched. She stepped forward into the room and glanced around.

"What have you done?"


Saint shifted from foot to foot, and all I could do was glance around the room that was so familiar to me.

"What did you do, Saint?"

He shoved his hands into his pockets. "I wanted to give you something, a space that was yours. Maybe everything is not exactly perfect, but thanks to Gemma, I got most of the details right, and it'll give you someplace where you can take a breather. This whole situation is fucked up and weird, and I just wanted to give you some normalcy away from the chaos."

Watching him, I blinked rapidly. "Normalcy from the chaos." Tentatively, I stepped into the room. It was almost exactly like my bedroom in my old flat. The throw was a little different, but that one I had knitted myself. It was something I would do to keep my hands busy as I used audiobooks to study. "I cannot believe you did this."

When I slid him a glance, he was rubbing at the back of his neck, watching me warily, the moss green of his eyes appearing darker. "Do you like it?"

"Yes, I’m just a little overwhelmed."

"Is it too much? I'm sorry."

"No." I marched up to him and placed my hands on his chest, making sure to meet his gaze. “It's not too much. It's… perfect. I didn't even know that I needed this until I saw it. It makes me feel taken care of, which is not something I am used to. And I don't even know how to say the words because thank you is not enough. Thank you doesn't even begin to cover what you've done for me. A month ago, I didn't know you. I was living a completelydifferent life, and then everything turned upside down. Some of that was my own doing, but every step of the way, you have been there. You took me in when you didn't have to. You suggested marrying me. God, that has got to be the strangest solution to a problem I've ever heard. You've done nothing but take care of me. And this is just… I do not have the words. Thank you isn't enough, but I will keep saying it until I either find better words or find a way to make them enough. Thank you for this. For everything. I don't know where I'd be right now without you."

The corners of his lips curved into a wry smile. "Well, I happen to know you very well. You are a survivor. You would have survived and come back swinging. I know it. Anyone who sees you knows how capable you are. Anyone decent would have tried to help you."

"Yes, but you've done it in your spectacular Jasper Saint way. And I suppose I haven't made it easy."

"Now that you mention it, you did get me shot at that one time."

I fought the smile trying to break free. "Oh my God, one time. One time I get you shot at, and you never let me forget it."

"Well, there’s nothing like the ring of bullets to make you realize your own mortality. But hey, I'm always grateful, because I wonder if the two of us would have even connected."

Tags: Nana Malone Gentlemen Rogues Romance