Page 123 of Shattered Sea

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This time, I listened, tugging Laiken towards the structure. All I could think about was getting her safe. Secure. Behind locked doors and thick wood.

The horses whinnied as we ran inside. A few pawed at their stall doors.

“Back there,” Laiken said.

I jogged towards where she inclined her head, pushing her inside. I shut the door behind us and flipped the lock. It wasn’t a deadbolt, just one of those flimsy doorknob deals, but it was something.

My gaze swept over Laiken as I moved towards her. The side of her face was swollen, and she had a nasty gash near her eye. “You’re hurt.”

My hands went to her face, gently probing. Laiken’s entire body shook. “Gilly. She blames us all. Said we had to die.”

What in the holy hell had happened over the past few hours? There was plenty of time to find out. Right now, I just needed to hold Laiken.

I holstered my gun and pulled her into my arms. “I’ve got you.”

“Laiken,” Gilly singsonged. “I know you’re in here.”

The voice was almost childlike as if she were playing a game. The tone made my skin crawl, and I held a single finger to my lips.

“Let’s see just how noble you are. You said you loved Jase. Would you give your life for his sister?”

Laiken went rigid against me.

“Don’t come out, Laik. She’ll kill us both,” Serena yelled.

“Shut up! You never mourned him the way you should’ve. You’re probably part of the reason your mother is such a mess.”

Their voices were close. Too close.

Tears streamed down Laiken’s face. “I have to help her.”

“Hayes will hear her. Backup is coming.”

I saw the emotions flit across her features: pain, grief, resolve. Laiken moved for the door, but I tugged her back. “Serena’s right. You step out there, and you’re both goners. Give both of you a fighting chance.”

Laiken’s tears came faster, but she nodded. I slid my gun out of my holster again, bracing for anything.

Sounds of footfalls on the cement. Then quiet. A silence so painful, I wanted to rip out my ears.

Wood cracked as the door flew open. Gilly gave Serena a hard shove towards me and raised her gun.

Everything came in staccato beats. The half seconds between inhales and exhales. It was as though I was moving through molasses. The glint of the gun taunted me as I pushed Serena to the side. I couldn’t get my weapon raised.

Laiken’s eyes went wide, panic and fear blooming there. I couldn’t lose her. In such a short time, she’d come to mean everything to me.

I did the only thing I could. I dove.

The bullet cracked the air. A shock of pain lit in my chest. Then I was falling.



We hitthe floor with an angry thud. I instantly clawed at the floor and tried to get out from under Boden. He wasn’t moving or making a sound.No. No. No.This wasn’t happening. I wouldn’t lose him.

Another shot sounded, and this time it was Gilly who crumpled to the floor. But I barely noticed as she screamed and writhed in pain.

I rolled Boden to his back. Dark red blood covered his chest, spreading across his sweater. My hands hovered above him for a moment, not knowing what to do. Stop the bleeding. That was all that mattered.

Tags: Catherine Cowles Tattered & Torn Romance