We all have our coping mechanisms. Whatever works to get us through. Mine happened to be dabbling in writing the occasional poem up until about a week ago, now I can’t stand to write; the shit I want to say is too dark.

He shoots me one of his grins, “I’m pussy-whipped, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

I laugh and close my door, “she’s a lucky girl Private. You better stay true to her, or I’ll be at your front door to knock some sense into you.” My tone conveys my promise, “don’t think I won’t? Natasha has my number, she will rat you out, Little Bear.”

His grin widens, his laugh nervous, “I may be the one to visit you. She won’t be able to keep her hands off me once I’m back. I’ll be begging her to allow me some R&R.She is a fiend in the sack.” He let out a sigh, “don’t you worry though, she’ll be well taken care of, you have my word.”

He leans his head back and removes his shades to rub at his eye.

Owen’s nickname is ‘Little Bear’; he is so happy and eager to learn new things all the time and finds amazement in everything. He is well liked and makes friends with everyone, but I think he has been hanging around Ford and Shark too much; those two are rubbing off their bad habits. It’s my duty to see that he is safe. I promised his wife Natasha as much.

Marines never break a promise. Never. I’d no sooner die than go back on my word.

“You know, she said she’s ready to have another baby.” Owen gripes, but I can tell he’s hankering to please his woman, “Hell, I haven’t spent much time with the first one, and she wants to put a second on me?Fuck me.”

Shark laughs as he climbs inside the truck and settles behind the driver seat, smacking Owen’s shoulder for good measure. I chuckle and eye Owen with intent.

“That’s kinda the idea Private. You best do as she says. Happy wife, happy life, and all that bullshit.”

“I won’t let ya down.” He makes an ‘X’ across the pocket that held the picture, “cross my heart.”

A minute passes before Owen’s mild, attention deficit disorder kicks in and he begins tapping a musical beat on to the steering wheel. He is a great Marine, one that doesn’t like to stay stationary for too long unless it’s ordered.

“My daughter definitely has my temper.” Owen mentioned as his drumming went silent. “The last video call she screamed because her mommy wouldn’t give her the phone with daddy’s face on it.” His face lit like a tree on Christmas morning, “I got to hear my daughter call me daddy for the first time.” His laugh turns sentimental, “my little princess. I’m glad I’ll be home for her first birthday. You’re all coming, right?”

My unofficial goddaughter, Ellie is a spunky little hellraiser. It’s an honor and a privilege only we brothers know.Family.

All of us will extend our protection onto one another’s families, no matter how far the distance. We will always stand united.

“Uncle Zander wouldn’t miss her birthday.” I would do anything for that little sweetheart, or Mini bear, as we have nicknamed her.

I’m a person who grew up in a big family. I was changing my baby brother’s diapers when I was twelve; I’ve witnessed just about everything a baby can do, and if that didn’t scare me, I knew the Marines would be a cakewalk in comparison.

Shark leans forward to lay his two cents into the conversation, “Uncle Shark has the best present for the little pipsqueak.”

“Knowing you it would be a boring fuckin’ book about a shark or sea life.” Ford retorts as he finishes things back there.

Shark’s infatuation with marine animals is comical.

“I’ll have you know – it’s not a shark.” There is a pause as we wait for him to elaborate, his pride conveyed in his tone, “it’s a mermaid doll.” Taunting laughter and a snort or two fills the truck, “fuck you guys.” More laughter and razzing follows.

I’m pretty sure I rolled my eyes.

They begin to banter back and forth over what actresses they think are hotter and which new movies they watched were better; the battle today is over ‘The Wolverine’ or ‘Iron Man 3’. Personally, I enjoyed Hugh Jackman’s take on the supernatural fighter more-so than the robotic suit man.

“No way man, Hugh Jackman kicks ass as the Wolverine. No better movie for the year.” Shark quips, ready to get Ford riled up. He does this on purpose.

I should put a stop this now before fists fly. I’ll give it another minute or two.

Ford’s love for Iron Man is so strong you’d think he has a crush. His tellings of all things Iron Man can go on for hours on end.

Fucking Shark.He will pay for this later, mark my words.

“The Wolverine can’t fly, can’t blow his enemies up with a flick of his wrist, and doesn’t have a protective suit.” Ford pops his head down and wiggles his fingers dramatically to take a jab at Shark, “he just has long Lady fingernails that scratch people.So fuckin’ boring.”

Owen chimes in with ‘Now You See Me’, a different movie to aid in changing the subject. Magic can be pretty cool too, I guess.

The other men roar in laughter, Ford laying into Owen now, “did thewifeymake you take her to see it?Shiiit, I bet she did.” Ford follows up with kissy noises.

Tags: Layla Lochran Romance