“I’m surprised that you’re not even willing to give me a real chance. That doesn’t seem very sporting of you, baby. Every man deserves a chance.”
“Grrr.If I go out with you one time will you please leave. I am exhausted and I just want to go home!” I glare at him, my arms crossed over my chest. His dark eyes follow and I immediately move my hands when his tongue slides across his lips.
A quick flash of hunger lights up my insides but I push it way the hell down.This is so not happening, girl! You are not going to jump any man let alone this one!He needs a damn keeper and I’m not looking for that kind of job.
“That would be lovely. I can pick you up tomorrow at eight. Just give me your address.”
Lifting an eyebrow, I snicker. “You can’t be serious. I’ll meet you at the bar…Rafe’s.”
He shakes his dark head stubbornly and I sigh. “What now?”
“I will pick you up. I’m not meeting you there just so you can ditch me five minutes into the date with some bullshit line about a friend being sick or your dog died or something.”
It’s like he can read my mind. “Fine. You can pick me up here at eight. I’m sure as hell not giving a perfect stranger my address,” I huff.
“Fine. Can’t wait to see you, baby.” He leans over and his musky, slightly citrus scent drifts across my nose setting off little tingles all over my skin. His lips caress my cheek for just the barest of seconds and then he pulls back to whisper in my ear. “You’re not gonna regret this, kitten. I’m gonna make tomorrow night perfect for you.”
“Right. Looking forward to it. Now leave.”
He strolls to the door and pulls it open, smiling back at me. “I feel like this is just the beginning of something amazing, baby. Until tomorrow.”
I swiftly lock the door behind him and groan, leaning into the glass, feeling the chill up my spine. “And I feel like this is the biggest disaster I’ve ever faced.”
I shut off the lights and walk out the door, dragging my suitcase behind me to walk around the building and up the stairs to my apartment over my shop. At least I still have a few secrets from my crazy stalker.
But as I ascend the stairs I can feel eyes on my back and I have an eerie feeling in my bones that somehow, some way…he knows. And he’s watching me right now.
At eight on the dot I am walking in the door to the bookstore. A young woman behind the counter stares at me and then hollers to someone as yet unseen.
“He’s here!”
A blonde head pops around the back where the exit sign is. “I’ll be right there, Steele.”
Cleo ducks back behind the beaded curtain and I smile at the strangely exotic covering that screams hippy but somehow suits my Cleo perfectly.
With a smile she pops back around the curtain and turns to the younger woman. “Hey, Rory. Go ahead and close up early if you want to. I don’t think we’re gonna be super-busy for the last hour.”
“Don’t worry about me. You just take care of you.” She glares at me and I stand a little straighter. This woman is important to Cleo. I can see it. That means she’s important to me.
I put my hand around Cleo’s shoulder, laughing when she turns to glare at me. I hold my hands up and back up slightly. “Sorry, kitten. Put the claws away.”
She glares at me but then turns to speak to the other woman again. “If you don’t leave, don’t hesitate to call me if there’s a problem. I’ve got my phone on me.”
The other woman eyes me suspiciously. “Good. You never know when you might need to call for help or something,” she mutters under her breath.
I shoot her a soft smile, hoping that it softens up her abrasive attitude just a little but if anything her mouth tightens even more.
“Alright, baby girl. Let’s head out. I’ve got us a nice table at Rafe’s.”
Both women start laughing and I smile sheepishly when Cleo eyes me with a laughing glint in her golden-green eyes.
“What’s so funny?” I ask, my head bouncing back and forth between the two of them.
“Rafe. He doesn’t do reserved tables. It sounds like he’s messing with the newcomer.”