Page 8 of Devil in the Dark

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She giggles but then her cold blue eyes widen as there’s a thump upstairs.

I stiffen and stare up the stairs.

She tries to dance around me but I block her every move. “Is there someone here? I’m sorry. I thought you were alone.”

I glare down at her. “I never asked you to come here. I specifically don’t want company right now. The house is wonderful! I love it. But I do want you to leave me alone. I’m quite busy.”

Then I shut the door in her face, grimacing. I dart up the stairs and slam into the wall, gasping for breath, wiping the sweat off my brow.

Then I take a deep breath and use the palm reader to open the door. Something heavy hits me in the chest and I grunt, dropping back from furious golden eyes.

“What the hell is going on here, Judas? You locked me in here and left me! I’m not some plaything that you can put in a room and shut up until you deign to take me out to play, you know!”

I growl and pick her up, holding her nose to nose with me. She’s so damn tiny she’d have to stand on the bed to meet me at eye level. My arms tighten on her skin and she squeaks, her eyes wide and frightened.

“I don’t think you’re a fucking toy, woman! I would never call you that!”

She huffs and I see her eyes drop to my lips. Heat coils in my body and I see lust in her eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that, princess, or I’m gonna throw you down on that bed and fuck you senseless.”

“You wouldn’t,” she huffs. But I see the want in her eyes. She wants me to do exactly that. Take away her choices. Take away her options and seduce her.

I want to. Oh how I fucking want to.

But I won’t hurt her. Would never hurt her. Or our future.

I intend to prove to her that we’re going to make it. This is forever.

I lean forward and touch her lips eagerly, feeling hers open and cling to mine. She moans and her legs encircle my waist, turning my dick into a throbbing mess and making my head reel with desire. I turn and slam her little body into the wall. She grunts but her lips don’t leave mine.

My lips dance on hers, coaxing her to follow me into the raging fires of lust. She groans and her hands dig into my scalp as she rakes her fingers through my hair.

Hissing, I grunt and line my body up with hers, my hips thrusting forward until she can feel my rock-hard erection shoving at her soft body.

Her head jerks and her eyes widen. “Judas? Do you want to fuck me now?”

I shake my head. “I’m not fucking you. Never. What we have is special, princess. When I take you, I’m making love to you for hours. I’m going to claim you as mine and I’m never letting you go.”



Dark fire.I’ve never seen so much heat. It burns me, torments me and I can’t seem to look away.

His eyes are locked on me and I groan, shifting in his muscular arms, feeling the hard length of his body plastered to me. “I need you, Judas,” I moan.

He growls and his head dips until his mouth runs along my arched throat. Nipping, sucking and raking his teeth on my skin.

And I fucking love it! My pussy clenches desperately, needing him inside me. I’ve never needed anything as much.

“I need you too, babydoll. Need you so fucking much.” He stands back from me and sets me on my feet. I wobble and his hands come out to steady me but as fast as he gets me settled he steps back.

“What the hell are you up to, Judas? You’re like hot and cold. You want me and then you push me away! What the hell are you playing at?”

He grins but it doesn’t hit his eyes. They’re still hot and heavy. Desire courses like lava in my veins, bubbling up like it’s about to explode.

“I’m not playing, Brandy. I think that’s what you don’t understand. I’ve been trying to explain it to you. I’m in this forever. I’m not going anywhere. I intend to marry you. I want to make you my wife. Fill you with babies and grow old with you. I want to hold you all night long after I make love to you. I want you to know that you can cry on my shoulder when something upsets you. That you can count on me to protect you to our dying day. I will never let anything or anyone touch you, hurt you, anger you without making sure that whoever it is pays for it. You’re mine.” His hand reaches out and touches my cheek softly, running his thumb along the curve of my cheek. I can’t look away from the love in his eyes. Nobody’s ever looked at me like that. Like he can’t live without me. Like he’s looking at his own personal heaven on earth. Like I matter.

Tags: Tamrin Banks Romance