Page 5 of Devil in the Dark

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The genie’s out of the bottle and I’m not shoving it back inside. This woman is mine and I’m not waiting any longer. It’s time for my life to finally begin with the angel I’ve been fantasizing about for the longest time.

I slam the car into drive and peel out of the driveway.



What the hell just happened?One minute I’m talking to a man who just can’t seem to understand that I don’t find him as appealing as he obviously finds himself. The next minute I’m dragged out of the party by a man I thought I knew as well as I know myself.

But this man is nothing like the affable, easy-going best friend I’ve known for years. This man is dark and kinda fucking hot.

I draw myself up slowly in the backseat, my head spinning. What the hell? Where did that thought come from? Judas isn’t hot. Is he?

I mean, yeah, he’s attractive. He’s so sexy with his dark ebony eyes and deep black hair. He’s even got the cutest little widow’s peak in the front that always tries to stand up when he shovels his big hands into his hair when he gets frustrated. He’s like a fallen angel.

I’ve never been attracted to him though. I shove the soft, mocking voice in my head to the side. Sure, once or twice when his hand or some other part of his hard body brushed against mine I felt a zap of electricity. But it was just static. Wasn’t it?

Jesus, I’m so damn confused.

I glance up and see Judas’s dark eyes locked on mine in the rearview mirror. I can barely see them in the dark. Just a glint when another car passes us. But his have barely looked away. I flush and my eyes dart anywhere but at him.

I nibble at my lip and hear an audible growl from the front seat. My eyes shoot up and I stare at him, dumbfounded.

“How the hell can you look so damn innocent, baby girl? I’ve tried and tried to stop thinking about you but I can’t. You’re like a damn drug for me. I can’t stop wanting you. I need you so damn much and yet every damn time I look at you, you’re just sitting there staring at me so innocently. Like you have no idea how much I burn for you. You don’t know what your smile does to my insides. How my dick aches when you nibble that pouty pink lip like you’re doing right now,” he growls.

My eyes widen and I sit up straight, pulling my lip out of my teeth, huffing out a breath.

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about, Judas. I swear I don’t know what’s going on.”

“That’s probably true but it doesn’t change facts. I need you and I can’t seem to get you to look at me seriously. So I’m gonna make sure that you give us a chance. I didn’t intend to kidnap you but I guess love takes what it wants sometimes.” He shrugs and my mouth falls open.

“You don’t love me! You can’t! We’re just friends,” I gasp, stunned.

He pulls the car over to the side of the deserted road and whips around in the front seat, his dark eyes pinning me to the seat. “We’re not friends, baby. We haven’t been friends for a long time. We’re so much more than that. You’re not listening to me. But you will.”

He jerks around and steers the car back onto the road, the squealing tires throwing gravel.

“Get comfy, Brandy. We’ll be on the road for awhile.”

“Wh-where are we going?” I whisper, gulping and shaking. My hands rub at my arms, feeling the goosebumps.

“You look cold. Here.”

He throws me a cape from his costume and I draw it around my shaking shoulders. “Get some sleep. You’re gonna need your rest.”

I nibble at my lip and nod my head but instantly stop when I hear him growl again.

I don’t know this man. There’s something feral and a little unhinged about Judas right now. Oddly enough, I’m still not scared of him. I know Judas would never hurt me. There’s something of a wild animal to him though. A hunger that’s reaching out to an answering need in me.

My belly clenches when I smell his cologne on the cape. Dark and woodsy with just a hint of spice. I close my eyes and feel a dark need wash over me, my pussy clenching , my arousal firing up like lightning. Quick and all-consuming.

“Don’t moan like that again or I’m going to pull this car over to the side of the road and fuck you like I’ve wanted to for years now. You’re mine, Brandy. I’ve waited so long for you. I haven’t slept most nights. I wake up shaking from hunger. My dreams are all of you. Under me, around me, over me. Any damn way I can get you.”

Shuddering, I drag in a breath, stifling the moan rising in my throat. God, do I want that.

I want him. I’ve always wanted him but he seemed so focused on just being friends so I shoved all those urges down until I couldn’t even find them anymore. Until I forgot they existed.

All this time, he wanted me. We wasted so much time.

Tags: Tamrin Banks Romance