Page 17 of Devil in the Dark

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“And now you don’t have to. You have me to see to your every need and desire.”

My dick surges when she whispers, “I like your desires.”

“Good. Because I intend to take every one of them out on you.”

Her smile could light up the world. She leans in and kisses me gently. “I would like that a lot.”

I swat her ass and she yelps, glaring at me. “What was that for?”

“Taking ten years off my life this morning. Don’t do it again.”

“I would never. It would hurt me too much to lose you too, Judas. I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone. You brought me to life.”

“Seems fair because my heart didn’t start beating until I saw you. That was the first day I really felt alive.”

“Hey in there! We need a statement!” The door opens and I groan, pulling back and adjusting myself.

“Fine.” I lean over and kiss her behind her ear, whispering, “later tonight. You’re all mine, baby girl. I’m gonna tear that pussy up.”

Smirking, she walks to the door, throwing a giggle over her shoulder. “I would expect nothing less, Mr. Cartwright.”

epilogue one: brandy

“Baby,you’ll never guess what I did today!” I slam my way into my husband’s office, smirking when he stands up, his brows lowering dangerously.

“What did you do today? And where is your bodyguard, Brandy?”

I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know. I think I lost him at the pizza place. Or maybe at the movie theater.” I pretend to think for a minute. “Maybe it was when I went to that little boutique I love so much downtown. I found the cutest dress to wear for the symphony this week.”

He rounds the desk and stalks towards me. A flush of desire rolls in my belly.

“What did I tell you before about deliberately losing your bodyguards? This is the sixth man in two months that I’ve had to fire.”

I cock my head and purse my lips, loving the way his smoldering eyes follow my every move. “Then don’t fire him. You know it’s not his fault.”

“No, it’s my hussy of a wife’s fault. I should spank your ass for it but I know damn well you’d like it too much. I think you’re just doing it now on purpose,” he mutters.

I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck, loving the way he’s focused on me. When I’m with him, nothing gets his attention but me.

He’s single-minded, my beast of a husband. A jealous, territorial bastard who lives to watch me, follow me, protect me and possess me in all ways at all times.

And I couldn’t be happier.

“I love you, my big beast. But I’m not going to stop losing them and you know it. I don’t want to get them fired but I’ve already told you I don’t need anyone following me around. I can take care of myself.”

A haunted look darkens his eyes. “I’m never going to forget that morning. Not as long as I live. So there’s no way I’m just going to let you wander around this damn sick world without me or someone else protecting you at all times. I cannot face this world without you. I refuse to. So if you have to suffer through a little light stalking from your bodyguards then I think you should just indulge me and let me have this. I need to know you’re safe.”

Shame fills me. I’ve managed to move on past that night but Judas can’t and I know it bothers him so much that he almost lost me. It wasn’t that close but I can’t seem to get it through his thick head.

“If I promise to stop trying to lose my bodyguards…will that make you happy?”

“Yes,” he sighs and settles his chin on the top of my head. His deep breath blows my hair around my head. “I need to know you’re safe. I just…I love you too much to lose you. Not for a damn long time and if God has an ounce of compassion he’ll take me before you. I cannot be the one left. I’ll lose my mind. I might as well crawl into the casket with you.”

“You’re such a drama queen.”

He growls and his muscular arms tighten around me. “Brandy…”

“I know, I know. You’re gonna spank me. Ooh! Go ahead and threaten me with a good time, Judas.”

Tags: Tamrin Banks Romance