Page 15 of Devil in the Dark

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“Oh my god! You had me scared to death when you didn’t answer any of our messages! Are you okay? Did you meet him? Your secret admirer? Was it Judas?”

I groan and run my hands through my hair. “Yeah, it was.”


“And he says he loves me. And we had the best sex of my life after he kidnapped me.”

“And you love him.”

“I do. Is that crazy?” I sigh, sitting in a chair and throwing my head back onto the padded back.

“NO!” she shrieks and I pull the phone away, my eyes flying to the door when the doorbell rings

“Oh shit! I left Judas to come back here and feed my fish and do damage control with you guys. I stole his car to drive here.”

“You what! “she screams. “You stole his car. Have you lost your mind?”

“Just let me open the door and let him in.” I jerk it open while I can hear her hollering.

“Wait! Check who it is first! Brandy!”

“Oh shit!” I whisper when I see the grinning devil standing outside my door. The one that couldn’t take no for an answer. The one that looks a helluva lot scarier outside my house than he did at that party.

“Hey, baby. I think you forgot something last night.” He holds up my wallet and I go to grab it out of his hands as he shoves his way inside the door. “I guess you wanted me to be able to find you.” He grabs the phone out of my hand and hangs up. “Let’s get to know each other.”

He reaches out and grabs my arm and I scream, shoving at him, beating at his arms as he attempts to drag me to the couch.

“No!”Struggling and yelling, I kick and fight like my life depends on it. It just might.



The phone ringsand drags me out of a deep sleep. The first sleep I’ve gotten in years without dreams to wake me.

I shove my hair out of my eyes and grab my phone from the bedside table.

“Hello,” I growl into the phone, reaching for Brandy’s body and whipping around when I find nothing but sheets. “Dammit, where the hell is she?”

“Judas! Hey, come on, dude! Pay attention!”

“Who is this? I hover my finger over the button to hang up, already standing to pull on pants. Apparently I need to go chase down my future wife once again. She’s not getting far this time.

“Judas! I’m Promise. Brandy’s friend. I was talking to her. She went home.”

“Thank you for the information. I’m on my way.” I start to pull the phone away and hang up but hear her shrieking again.

“Wait!!! Dammit, Judas! I’m trying to tell you something important and you keep wasting time!There was a knock at the door and some man barged in. He hung up her phone but I swear I heard Brandy scream.”

My blood runs cold and my hands clench, my stomach roiling. I can hear the voice still buzzing in my phone but I can’t tell what she’s saying.

I run to the door barefoot and then clatter down the stairs. My woman needs me.

Cursing, I open the door and realize she took the damn car. I slam the door and open the garage, picking up the keys for my motorcycle, slamming the helmet on and pushing it out of the garage.

I jump it and within seconds I’m on the road, taking every shortcut I can to get to her sooner. My heart races with the engine. I can see her smiling last night when I told her that I’d always be there to protect her. Within twelve hours, I’ve fucked up and she’s in danger. She could be…

I jerk that thought up. She’s a fighter. My girl will protect herself until I get to her and then I’ll kill whatever bastard dared to touch what’s mine.

Tags: Tamrin Banks Romance