Page 1 of Devil in the Dark

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I stareup at the address on the two-story colonial house and cringe. Why the hell am I here? I shouldn’t be doing this.

I know I’m going to though. They say curiosity killed the cat and if that’s the case I’m on the last of my nine lives.

Three weeks ago, I started getting all these secret admirer notes delivered to my house. That in itself should have been terrifying. That means whoever this is knows where I live. I should run screaming into the dark night instead of standing outside of a dimly-lit house that looks like it should be the set of some damn horror movie.

I glance up when I hear squeaking close to me and barely hold in the scream that’s trying to claw its way out of my throat. The bat dips low in the night sky, diving for whatever scrap of food it’s managed to find.

I hurry up the sidewalk, no longer willing to debate with myself out here.

I open the door and step inside, not really surprised when the damn door squeals like the victim in the same horror film. Probably a teenager since somehow they always manage to wander into the perfect scenario to get killed.

Not that I can quibble right now since I’m currently walking into who knows what.

I pull out the little invitation once again, like I haven’t looked at it a million times since it came one week ago. It’s just a plain invitation. Plain typeset and plain paper that gives no clue who the hell sent it. All I know is it’s the man who says he’s my future husband.

I chuckle.Really, dude! You couldn’t come up with something more original than that.

But it worked and now I’m standing in the middle of a frenzied bunch of pseudo monsters, demons and sexy nurses trying to figure out who sent it.

All he said was I’ll be dressed as the devil. Nothing else. Just from one quick glance around I see at least ten freaking devils. Seriously?

Sighing, I slide it back into my small purse. I should have left that at home too but the little backpack purse is the only thing I carry religiously and I don’t intend to change that. Not even for true love!

I snort and catch the eye of one of the devils. His eyes light up and he prances over to me. My nose scrunches up. I don’t believe this is the man who’s been sending me dirty, raunchy stories in letter form for almost a month.

He parks himself in front of me and proceeds to babble a bunch of crap about how he saw me across the room and just knew we were destined to spend Halloween together. It takes a supreme effort of will to keep from rolling my eyes directly in his face.

Time to find out if my instincts are right or wrong. “So,” I interrupt him ruthlessly. “What are you doing here tonight? Meeting someone?”

He gives me a toothy grin that reminds me of a used car salesman. Whatever he’s selling, I don’t think I want it. But I need to know for sure. “I always like to meet new people. I was at a party last weekend and I met these two girls and took them both home. That was an epic night. I kept up with both of them though and they left very satisfied.”

My lip curls.Yep. This cannot be him.

“Good to know. You shouldn’t have any trouble finding a woman tonight.”

Completely missing the point, he runs his finger down my arm and I shiver when he touches me. It’s like being touched by a sweaty fish.

“I thought we had something going on here?” He moves closer and I back away, holding my hands out to keep him back.

“I don’t think so. I’ve got so much stuff going on. I’m not really interested in a relationship unless it’s for more than a night.”

Ironic hearing me say that. I thought I didn’t want anyone. But whoever my secret admirer is, he’s got my attention.

My eyes flick over and I see burning dark ebony eyes, almost as dark as a moonless night.

I grunt and walk away, working my way around the room, hoping to get this man cornered. Unfortunately, my other admirer isn’t willing to give up so easy.

He plows through the happy crowd of dancers. “Hey!” Someone screams behind me. I turn and holler, “I’m not interested. Will you please leave me alone!”

“Aww, come on, baby. I bet you’d have a great time. I’ve never had any complaints.” His smarmy smirk makes me want to slap him. Before I can do that, another man, dark and enormous, steps between us.

“I think the lady said to leave her alone…repeatedly. Maybe you should find another woman to practice your…charm on,” he growls, his dark eyebrow lifting above his crimson mask.

A shiver of something dark and lustful sizzles in my veins. Underneath that though is a feeling that I know him. I swear I know him. Squinting, I study what I can see of him. The party lighting is so dark that you can’t see your hand in front of your face. He’s dressed in a cheap devil’s costume with red horns on his dark, stylish hair and a crimson mask covering his lean face.

Tags: Tamrin Banks Romance