Page 28 of Billionaire Grump

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“You didn’t have to chase the nanny out. I could have kept it in my pants,” Connor says.

“Doubtful. You were practically salivating at her. She’s good with Amelia. I don’t want her quitting because you made her uncomfortable.”

“I can’t help the fact she’s hot. And I love the way that you tossed money at her and told her to get lost. Sugar daddy much?”

“She’s my daughter’s nanny. That’s all.”

“And one I’d like to bang. Any chance she’s single?”

My stomach clenches at the thought of Connor coming near my daughter’s nanny. “You heard her. She only dates girls,” I say, and clear my throat.

We should not be talking about Clare.

After dinner, Amelia is fussy and won’t settle down for a bath or a bedtime story.

“I want Clare Bear,” Amelia says, slipping out of my grasp and running down the hallway naked.

“And I want you to take a bath.”

“No bath!” Amelia shrieks and slips past my legs, running down the stairs.

My stomach is in my throat, and I pray the kid doesn’t fall and hurt herself. She slides on the marble floor but catches her footing when the front door squeaks.

“Clare Bear!” Amelia chimes, and throws her arms up in the air.

“You’re naked,” Clare says, matter-of-fact.

I humph on my way down the stairs. “Someone escaped from the bathroom before I could run the tub.”

“No bath!” she shrieks, and tries to bolt past Clare, but the nanny sweeps my daughter up in her arms.

“Nice try,” Clare says, slipping out of her shoes while holding my little monster. I come down the stairs to take Amelia from her arms and carry her back up toward the bathroom.

“You were out late,” I say. It isn’t meant as an accusation, but it does sound like one the way it slips out. If I’m honest, I’m a little annoyed that she didn’t come home right after dinner like I requested.

“You told me—you know what, never mind.” Clare doesn’t fight with me. She holds a hand up as she follows me up the stairs. “When you’re done giving Amelia a bath, I’ve got bags in the trunk and backseat that I could use a hand with.”

“You couldn’t carry your stuff inside?” I mutter under my breath.

“I could use the help. Some of it is quite heavy,” she says.

What in the world did she buy that’s heavy and she can’t carry? And how the hell will she lug it wherever her next adventure takes her? I drove her to the house. She borrowed my car.

“New suitcase?” I guess, not that it should be too heavy for her to carry.

“No, I didn’t even think of that. I probably should have replaced mine,” Clare says. She grimaces like she’s regretting her purchases.

“Don’t worry about it. Let me know what it costs, and I’ll give you the replacement value.”

“Is that like amortized based on the age of the suitcase and its wear and tear?”

I’m not sure if she intends to be snarky, but it sure comes out that way, with a lot of attitude.

I need a minute away from Clare, and with her following me up the stairs and Amelia squirming again and defiant, I need a new tactic.

“How about you get her ready for bed, bathed, and dressed? I’ll grab the stuff out of the car.”

“Sounds like a deal,” Clare says.

Tags: Willow Fox Billionaire Romance