Page 21 of Billionaire Grump

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Her wayward glance tells me she’s looking for Amelia, or maybe the nanny.

“How are you holding up?” Nancy asks.

I’ve worked with her since my father was alive and ran Luxenberg Enterprises. She was my assistant then as well. She’s astute.

“Fine,” I answer gruffly. She doesn’t get more out of me.

“And the new nanny? I didn’t forward any names over to you. But I brought three files of women who are qualified to look after your daughter.”

I exhale a sigh and gesture for Nancy to join me in my office. I leave the door open and take a seat behind my desk, placing the files on the mahogany wood surface.

She sits across from me. “The top stack of files are resumes that I personally vetted. I mean, I didn’t call their references, but they look like solid candidates,” Nancy says.

“Are they married?”

“I don’t know.”

I drop the files into the trashcan without even reviewing them. “Unless they’re happily married, I’m not interested.”

Her brow tightens. “You do realize that isn’t a question that we can legally ask a candidate?”

I’m aware of the particulars when it comes to hiring, but I don’t need another temptation under my roof. Clare is enough trouble.

I could consider hiring a male nanny, but I’m not comfortable with letting a man around my five-year-old daughter.

“Figure it out. Do some sleuthing,” I say.

Nancy emits a heavy sigh and stands. “You do realize this isn’t part of my job description.”

“Are you asking for a raise?” I glare at her. Is this her way of telling me that she’s underappreciated and overworked?

“No, I just don’t think you realize how much time this has taken me to comb through thousands of resumes. I brought you the three best candidates.”

“And you would trust them with your own child?” I ask.

“If I had children, I would,” Nancy says. She’s happily married but childless.

“I will consider the applicants,” I say, glancing at the metal wastebasket. At least it is empty of anything else inside. While I don’t have staff constantly handling my home, I do have a woman who comes twice a week to clean and tidy up the place. She’s been part of the family for ages.

“Thank you.”

“Is there anything else?” I need her to keep me up to speed, since I’m not in the office. If things happen, I need her to be my eyes and ears.

“I’ve arranged your itinerary for Europe, sir. But I do have a few questions.”

I nod, waiting for her to continue.

“Will it just be you traveling, sir? Or do you plan on bringing your daughter with you? I realize you haven’t settled permanently on a nanny, so I wasn’t sure what you wanted to do.”

I sigh and stroke my jaw, thinking her words over. “The situation with Europe has crossed my mind extensively these past few days. At this point, I’d like for you to book an adjoining room for all of the hotel accommodations. Make sure that the car that picks us up has a booster seat for my daughter. Reservations for restaurants should all include three people.”


“I will be bringing Amelia with me and whomever I hire as her nanny. At the moment, I’m working on a trial basis with Clare, but I’m not sure that she will be a good fit for a permanent position. And I’m not going to leave my daughter with a brand-new nanny and stranger while I’m overseas.”

“Understood. I will make those changes, sir, and if I may—”

I expect nothing less from Nancy. She has always been forthcoming and honest, sometimes brutally so and to the point.

Tags: Willow Fox Billionaire Romance