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“He seems relatively calm considering the album only just dropped,” Randy said, taking a huge bite of an even bigger sandwich.

“He might seem it, but he isn’t. His phone’s ringing off the hook, and he’s constantly talking to people, but no one’s really sure of anything yet. I think we’ll know something later today, or maybe tomorrow? He says everyone’s hopeful that it’ll debut in the top twenty, but I guess you can never be sure,” Brooke said.

“It’s incredible,” Michelle said, nibbling a piece of rye bread. “I mean, did you ever think you’d be saying that Julian’s album is going to debut in the top twenty? People try their whole lives for that, and this is only his first. . . .”

Brooke swallowed her soda and wiped her mouth. “It hasn’t happened yet. . . . I just don’t want to jinx it. But yes, it’s just about the craziest thing ever.”

“It’s actually not the craziest thing ever,” Julian said, walking back into the room with one of his signature grins. His smile was so enormous, it made Brooke forget their earlier tension.

Michelle held up her hand. “Don’t be so modest, Julian. Objectively speaking, having your first album debut in the top twenty is the craziest thing ever.”

“Actually, having your album debut at number four is the craziest thing ever,” he said quietly before breaking into yet another killer smile.

“What?” Brooke asked, her mouth falling.

“That was Leo. He said it’s not official, but it’s on track to hit at number four. Four! I can’t even process it.”

Brooke leapt out of her chair and into Julian’s arms. “Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod,” she kept saying over and over. Michelle let out a little shriek and after giving both Brooke and Julian hugs, she went to retrieve a special bottle of whiskey to toast Julian.

Randy returned with three highball glasses of brown liquid and one with orange juice for Michelle. “To Julian,” he said, holding his glass up. They all clinked and sipped. Brooke grimaced and set hers down on the table, but Randy and Julian downed both of theirs in single gulps.

Randy clapped Julian on the back. “You know, I’m happy for you and all the success and blah, blah, blah, but man, I have to say—it’s pretty fucking cool having a rock star in the family.”

“Oh, come on, guys, it’s not—”

Brooke swatted Julian’s shoulder. “They’re right, baby. You’re a star. How many people can say they debuted at number four on the charts? Five? Ten? I mean, like, the Beatles and Madonna and Beyoncé and . . . Julian Alter? It’s total insanity!”

They celebrated and talked and peppered Julian with questions for another forty-five minutes before Michelle announced that it was time to get ready, that they’d be leaving for the restaurant in an hour. The moment Michelle handed them a pile of towels and closed the guest room door behind her, Brooke tackled Julian in a hug so hard they both ended up falling onto the bed together.

“Baby, it’s happening. It’s really, undeniably happening,” she said, kissing his forehead and then his eyelids, cheeks, and lips.

Julian kissed her back and then propped himself up on his elbows. “You know what else it means?”

“That you are now an official celebrity?” She kissed his neck.

“It means you can finally quit Huntley. Hell, you can quit both jobs if you want.”

She pulled back and looked at him. “Why would I do that?”

“Well, for starters, you’ve been working like crazy the last couple of years and I think you deserve a break. And things are starting to fall together financially. Between the percentage I get from the Maroon 5 tour, the private parties Leo books, and now the proceeds from this album—well, I just think you should relax and enjoy it a little.”

Everything he said was perfectly logical, but for reasons she couldn’t quite articulate, Brooke felt herself bristle. “I don’t do it only for the money, you know. The girls need me.”

“It’s perfect timing, Brooke. The school year doesn’t start for another two weeks, so I’m sure they could find someone to replace you. Then even if you decide to stay at the hospital, you’ll hopefully have some free time.”

“‘If’ I decide to stay at the hospital? Julian, this is my career. It’s what I went to grad school for, and even though it might not be as important as debuting at number four, I happen to love it.”

“I know you love it. I just thought maybe you’d want to love it from afar for a little.” He nudged her and smiled.

She peered at him. “What are you suggesting?”

He tried to pull her back down on top of him, but Brooke squirmed away.

He sighed. “I’m not suggesting anything horrible, Brooke. Maybe if you weren’t so stressed about your hours and your schedule, you’d enjoy being able to take a little time off. Maybe travel with me more, come to the events?”

She was silent.

“Are you upset?” he asked, reaching out for her hand.

“I’m not upset,” she lied. “I feel like I’ve been making a huge effort to find a balance between my work and everything that’s going on with you. We went to Leno together, and the Friday Night Lights party, and Kristen Stewart’s birthday party in Miami and Bonnaroo. I stop by the studio on nights when you work late. I don’t know what else I can do, but I’m pretty sure the answer isn’t to quit on my career and follow you around. I don’t think you’d be happy with that no matter how much fun it might be in the beginning, and honestly, I don’t think I’d respect myself for doing it.”

“Just think about it,” he said as he pulled off his shirt and walked toward the bathroom. “Promise me that.”

The sound of the running shower drowned out her answer. Brooke resolved to put the issue out of her mind for the night; they didn’t need to decide anything, and just because they weren’t on exactly the same page didn’t mean anything was wrong.

Brooke took off her clothes, pushed back the shower curtain, and climbed in.

“To what do I owe this honor?” Julian asked through squinted eyes. His entire face was covered in soap.

“To the fact that we have less than a half hour to get ready,” Brooke said as she twisted the hot water handle a full turn.

Tags: Lauren Weisberger Romance