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Or missing the entire pointless thing, I think as I leave to sneak off campus.

As much as I want to smash out of my imaginary cage and take what I want—hitchhiking if I have to—there’s something more important I have to do first. Someone more important.

Once I make it around the corner to the side hall that leads to a terrace, I fish out my phone and text my brother. He drove separately from me and our parents, so he’s my only hope of getting out of here in a hurry.

Maisy: Meet me at the courtyard by the north building.

Holden: Uh, that’s not the football field. Why, what are you doing? Are you okay?

Maisy: I’ll tell you when you get here. Hurry!

Holden: Fine, on my way.

I blow out a relieved breath and lean against an Aspen tree. It doesn’t take Holden long to arrive. I ignore his confused expression and rush over to him.

“Holy shit, are you okay?” he blurts as I grab his arms. He cups my elbows to balance me. “Isn’t the ceremony about to start?”

“Yes, fine,” I say in a hurry. “Forget about the ceremony and give me your keys.”

His grip on my elbows tightens. “Why?”

I hang my head back and swallow my annoyance. I don’t have time to explain this, but he’s never going to help me if I don’t give him something.

“There’s no requirement that says I have to walk in the ceremony. I’d rather go hang out at Thea’s bakery instead of go through all the stuffy traditions.”

Holden gives me a flat expression. “Right,” he drawls. “Except, I totally recognize the look on your face. Cough up what you’re not telling me, or I’m not giving you shit.”

I sigh. “Holden.”

“Nah-uh. Give me the real reason you want to ditch.”

Damn it. Fine. “I’m going to see Fox.”

His gaze hardens. “Seriously? I don’t think that’s a good idea. After he’s been treating you like crap, you just forgive him? You should listen to Dad and just stay away from him.”

“Well, I can’t.” Staying away from Fox was never in the cards for me. The desperation flooding my voice makes him pause. “Just—Can’t you trust me that I know what I’m doing? He needs my help and I’m going to give it to him.”

Holden lets go of my elbows and steps back, scratching his chin. “I still don’t want to let you go.” He holds up his hands when I open my mouth. “God, you’re annoying when you get your head stuck on something. Are you sure? Mom and Dad will be pissed and you’re already skating on ice so thin it’s cracking. I think they’re serious about that disciplinary school.”

“I know. But I’m sure.” I offer him a half-smile and hold out my hand for the keys. “It’s time I stop letting what’s expected of me dictate my life. It’s making me miserable and I’m done with feeling like crap to make everyone else happy.”

Conflicted emotions flit across Holden’s face, but after a few moments he nods. “Okay. I don’t want to, but I hate seeing how unhappy you’ve been this year. Just be careful around that guy.”

“He’s not a threat to me. He never really was.” My throat burns as I think about those case files again for the accident and what I’ve learned from Fox. “I’m going to fix what broke between us.”

And help him prove his parents were murdered.

Holden drops the keys to his Audi in my hand and the taste of freedom bursts on my tongue. For a second, I wish I could just go and never stop, but I fight back the familiar urge. First, I have to find Fox and help him. My road trip escape will have to wait indefinitely until then.

“Maise,” he calls out as I turn to go, already tugging off the polyester graduation gown over my dress. When I look back, his brows dip and he scrubs a hand through his light brown hair. “I’m sorry I’ve been a shitty brother.”

“You haven’t been. You’ve just been dealing with your own stuff.”

“Still.” His shoulders sag with his sigh. “I could’ve pulled my head out of my ass for five minutes to see how hard this year has been for you, too. Or how all your smiles are fake. I’ve been a selfish bastard, but that stops now.”

I swallow past the lump in my throat. So someone did notice, he was just too torn up about his own problems and crushed dreams to let me in for some solidarity. “It’s fine. We’ll talk later. I’ve got to go.”

“I’ll cover for you with Mom and Dad.”

Tags: Veronica Eden Sinners and Saints Romance