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He refused to kiss me for weeks, despite how he relentlessly took and took from me. Something broke and shifted at last. His walls are eroding and I have to slip inside before he builds them back up stronger than ever.

Staring down the door to the house, I clutch my bag tighter and breathe through the strong urge to turn around and go anywhere else in the world, as long as it gets me far away from this cage. But I can’t leave things unfinished with Fox.

Not after everything I’ve found out.

Not after that kiss gave me hope that he’s not out of my reach.

I’ve barely gotten past the security system and through the front door before the wall of judgement and anger hits me. My parents stand in the cold foyer staring me down. Holden sits on the staircase to watch over the mother of all lectures I can feel brewing. His light brown hair stands on end like he’s been running his fingers through it repeatedly. I meet Mom and Dad’s gazes and my heart gives a little stutter.

They’re furious.

Deep lines bracket Dad’s disappointed frown and Mom is so angry she’s become a statue. It’s a scary habit of hers to go as still as possible while her fury rises to the surface, pouring out of her in an unavoidable tirade when it crests.

“Hey guys,” I say, clutching the strap of my travel bag like a lifeline.

Silence. Absolute and impenetrable.

Oh shit.

The last time she was so mad she couldn’t speak was when I went camping and showed up late to a press conference for her company’s new research project without telling her. Not only did I show up late, I was still sweaty and wearing the red dust of the trail instead of the smart business casual outfit she ordered me to wear. There’s nothing Mom hates more than being embarrassed by my actions.

“Maisy Grace Landry,” Mom finally says when I begin to shift my weight.

It’s all she offers, making my name sound like a vicious curse. Dad pinches the bridge of his nose and takes over.

“What were you thinking?”

I blink. “I was thinking my friend invited me to his surprise elopement and I wasn’t missing out.”

“You couldn’t have waited until their actual wedding in September?” Dad grumbles.

“Of course not.” I narrow my eyes. It anno

ys me that they’ve never had close, genuine friendships in the last decade. They don’t understand what you do for your real friends anymore. “I can’t believe you’d ask me to skip my best friend’s wedding.”

Dad slashes his arm down, his voice rising. “And I can’t believe you’d think it’s okay to go gallivanting around the world without telling anyone.”

The hurt racing across my senses is blistering. I duck my head and ignore the stinging in my eyes.

“I’m eighteen,” I say in a low voice. “I don’t see the big deal.”

“You still can’t do things like this without asking permission, Maisy. I thought someone kidnapped you.” His expression turns haunted and I pull a face at his paranoia. “It’s unacceptable. I can’t prote—”

“Your road trip is officially off the table,” Mom cuts in, folding her arms. I look from Dad to her, trying to keep up with why he’d need to protect me, but the road trip steals my focus. “Your childish actions have proven you’re not a responsible adult.”

My chest rises and falls with each strained breath. “How?”

“Running away from home. Do you know how that makes me look?”

The force of my scoff shakes my upper body. “Are you fucking kidding me? I went out of town for the weekend. Let’s not alert the damn media over a vacation.”

Mom’s laugh drives ice into my veins. “You left the goddamn country, Maisy. Don’t be cute.”

“Guys.” Holden’s expression is troubled. “You can’t baby her forever. What’s the problem? She’s home safe. Isn’t that what matters?”

My throat grows thick with emotion for my brother standing up for me. We have our squabbles, but when it comes down to it, he’s got my back.

“Stay out of it, Holden,” Dad snaps. “This isn’t up for debate. She needs to learn.”

Tags: Veronica Eden Sinners and Saints Romance